This Minion is a rare reward that you’ll be fighting RNG for your jiggly pal.
Retainers share the same level cap as your character. This means that if you are a Level 81 Botanist, your Retainer will also need to be at this level in order to harvest popotoes. ..
The good news is that you probably want a Botanist Retainer because you need it.
The Materials Farming ability is generally very valuable. Not to mention the unique rewards, like the Greener Gleaner Minion. ..
The Woodland Exploration XXVI Venture takes 18 hours to complete.
It may take quite a while for your Minion to arrive.
- A large sum of money
- A powerful weapon
- A place in the top tier of a social hierarchy
- Fame and respect
The Allagan Silver Piece (8 – 9qty.) is a rare item that can be found only in the Dark Hemp and Horse Chestnut Log dungeons. It is a reward for completing the dungeon. The Dark Hemp and Horse Chestnut Log dungeons are located in the same area as the Palm Log and Palm Syrup dungeons, which are also rewards for completing the dungeon. The Red Pine Log and Snow Flax dungeons are located in different areas, but they both reward players with Greener Gleaner Minion items.
Looking at the rewards, the Carpenter’s rewards are great if you’re a Carpenter. Not so much if all you’re after is the Minion.
Keep sending your retainer out, and eventually the greener gleaner will be yours.
Retaining A Retainer
In FFXIV, you can have up to two free retainers.
Mog Station offers an additional storage container for $2 per month. This container comes with more Inventory Space, which can be helpful if you need to store more items.
- The Retainer Location
- The Recruiter Location
Parnell: Chachabi Chabi, Frydwyb, Prunilla, Kazashi, Misfrith, Tanine. ..
These NPCs will also allow you to do things like relocate your Retainer, or change their Jobs.
Swapping from one class to another can often result in a significant increase in your character’s abilities. This is due to the fact that different classes have different gear sets that can provide bonuses when equipped. ..
If you need to change your Retainer’s class, it’s a bit easier: head to any Retainer Bell. After selecting your Retainer, the bottom option is “Reset Retainer class.”
This is a bad news story that means they will start all the way back at Level 1.
You’ll need to then send them on subsequent Ventures to get their Level back up.
Having more than two Retainers can be beneficial because it allows you to have more control over your resources. ..
It’s generally a good plan to have one Retainer as your Main Combat Job, and another as a Gatherer.
In this case, you hopefully chose Botanist. Best of luck!