In the Monster Arena, you can find Fafnir, the dragon who rules the underworld. This dragon is only available for a short time after being unlocked from the Fafnir chest in the game’s main hub.

In the game, Purifying Salts can customize No Encounters onto a piece of armor, which turns off random battles anywhere you walk.

Aeon can use Purifying Salts to learn Dispel.

To use the No Encounters ability, you’ll need to gather 30 Purifying Salts and learn Dispel. Aeons need 3 Purifying Salts to learn this spell. ..

All Purifying Salt Locations

There are a few ways to get your hands on salt. ..

Fallen Monks are a great way to get free loot. They’re rare, but if you’re willing to put in the work, they’re worth it. ..

Fafnir is a fast and easy way to get a lot of the item in the Monster Arena. By unlocking Fafnir, you can get 99 Salts.

Abaddon, a new Monster Arena creation, features three salts as a common steal. ..

The Zanarkand Ruins are a place of mystery and horror, where fallen monks can be found all over. Some of the most famous and well-known fallen monks are the Black Monks, who live in the shadows and haunt the ruins for centuries. Others, such as the White Monks, who live in secluded cells within the ruins.

Sin is a dark and twisted world where players can capture fiends to unlock Abaddon. ..

-Drake the Dragon: The Drake type fiend that lives in the sky. You can find them at the Monster Arena. -Drake the Eagle: The Drake type fiend that lives in the woods. You can find them at the Monster Arena. -Drake the Lion: The Drake type fiend that lives in the desert. You can find them at the Monster Arena.

The Thunder Plains are a vast, flat area located in the middle of the Sanubia Desert. It is home to many different types of animals, including horses, camels, and donkeys. The Djose Highroad and Mushroom Rock Road are two of the most important roads in the area. They connect the Thunder Plains to other parts of Sanubia. The Nidhogg is a giant creature that lives in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. It is one of the most dangerous places in Sanubia.

Purifying Salt Common Uses

Purifying Salts is used to obtain the No Encounters ability.

This new armor customization option disables random battles, allowing you to explore the world at your own pace. ..

No Encounters can provide a sense of peace of mind, even in the face of danger.

The quick and dirty Dispel spell can also be used to purge salt from an area. This can come in handy if you need to get rid of an enemy’s Haste or Protect if a spellcaster isn’t around.

Teaching Dispel to an Aeon is a waste of time. ..

  1. Rikku’s Mix: This mix has a strong purifying effect, making it great for cleaning up any messes.
  2. The Cleaner’s Mix: This mix is perfect for cleaning up any messes quickly and easily.
  3. The Hard Worker’s Mix: This mix has a strong cleansing effect, making it great for cleaning up any messes quickly and easily.

Ultra-Null-All (Healing Spring + Purifying Salt) is a spell that heals and purifies the party. ..

This potion restores the party to full HP and MP.

This item can revive all KO’d party members.

Are Purifying Salts Worth Farming?

Auto-abilities are special abilities that characters have that allow them to automatically succeed in certain tasks. However, the No Encounters auto-ability prevents characters from automatically encountering any enemies. This means that players must be more vigilant and take care when traversing the world, as there are potentially dangerous creatures lurking around every corner. ..

To capture a Ghost from the Cavern of Stolen Fayth, players must first farm it in the Monster Arena for the armor it drops. This ability can be earned much earlier and quicker by capturing a Ghost from the Cavern of Stolen Fayth. ..

That armor has no encounters on it, meaning that it is immune to all damage.

I found a way to have some Purifying Salts on hand as an item.

Rikku’s Mixes are great for some uses, but can also be used to dispel buffs from enemies.