However, if you want to get the most out of your Power Spheres, it’s important to do the story and fight fiends regularly. This way, you’ll get the most out of your Power Spheres.

Your Sphere Grid will become increasingly important as you near the endgame.

If you defeat Kottos after using a Power Distiller on him, he is likely to drop 40 power spheres. ..

This is the best way to farm these spheres in total quantity and amount of time it will take you. ..

The key to unlocking Kottos is captured from the Mi’ihen Highroad - it’s a simple process!

What Are Power Spheres Used For?

Sphere Grids are used to activate power nodes on the grid. ..

The Distill Power and Strength +3% enchantment can be applied to a weapon, armor, or item to give it increased damage and defense.

Yuna’s Aeons can use feeding power spheres to teach her Cheer and Extract Power.

Rikku’s mixes can include the use of Power Spheres, which add an extra layer of power to her combos. ..

Elixir: Restores the party to full HP and MP.

Frag Grenade (Power Sphere + Mana Sphere): Inflicts a powerful Armor Break on all enemies. It has a much higher chance of working than the Armor Break ability. ..

Mega NullAll casts NulBlaze, NulShock, NulTide and NulFrost on the whole party.

Is it Worth Farming Power Spheres?

The Sphere Grid is a powerful tool that Rikku uses to activate most of the area’s resources. She also loves having them around because they’re very useful in many of her mixes.

Kottos is a new farming world that is very easy to unlock. After the initial hump of unlocking Kottos, farming is super simple – just two or three battles and you’re capped! ..

Power spheres are going to be a big part of the game. You’ll be glad you have plenty to use them. ..