Time-limited instances like maintenance compensations, events, surveys, and gift codes can provide players with the ability to purchase items like weapons and armor.

Black Cards are one of the most important resources in the game, and unless you’re a huge whale, you may want to check out every method of acquiring them!

There are many farming methods to choose from, so it’s important to find the one that works best for you and your farm. ..

Clear Main Story Battles

The main story battles are the most important events in Battle Creek, and provide a sizable bulk of your BC aside from your dailies and weeklies. ..

In order to get 50 Black Cards, you will need to clear both Normal and Hard Mode Main Story Battles.

The Main Story is a constantly updating, highly influential card game that always rewards the playerbase with Black Cards.

Clear Stronghold Battles

Black Cards are a new resource that are awarded as first clear rewards in stronghold battles. They can be used to purchase items from the shop, and can also be exchanged for other resources at the stronghold’s exchange rate. ..

In “Battle Mode”, you’ll need to strategize in order to win. ..

Make sure you rotate your party members around to keep them healthy and effective, and you’re good to go!

Clear Memory Rescue Battles

The Memory Rescue Battles event also gives you 50 Black Cards per stage cleared.

Some of these cards are actually worth investing in, so I highly recommend clearing them as soon as you unlock them.

The game consists of five missions, each with a different set of rewards. The first mission nets you 250 Black Cards, the second nets you 350 Black Cards, the third nets you 400 Black Cards, the fourth nets you 500 Black Cards, and the fifth mission netts you 750 Black Cards.

The battles are relatively easy. However, if your characters are underpowered, you may need to brush up on your dodging skills to clear some of the harder stages. ..

Clear Interlude Battles

The Interlude Battles are a new type of battle that can be unlocked once you have the necessary characters for them. These battles are shorter and more simple than regular battles, and can be won in just a few minutes.

Black cards are awarded for completing missions, and can be used to purchase items in the shop. Characters have a total of six available missions to clear, which means that each character has a total of 180 black cards. ..

In Interlude Battles, you not only get to know the characters better, but also for earning extra Black Cards.

To obtain character shards from this game mode, you must complete the following tasks: -Play as a character that has a shards bonus. -Complete challenges that award shards.

Achieve Max Exploration Rate at Golden Vortex

In Golden Vortex, you’ll need to carefully manage your characters’ health and mana in order to survive. This mode is a lot more challenging than the other game modes, so be prepared to strategize and pay close attention to your characters’ stats. ..

Your characters will need to be deployed wisely in order to keep them safe and effective.

It’s recommended to invest in at least 4 characters in order to thrive in Golden Vortex – and you don’t necessarily have to put all of your highest CP characters together in one party. You can mix and match different characters depending on the situation or game you’re playing.

Clearing all of the stages will net you 300 Black Cards, which is a great bonus alongside all the resources you’ll get for clearing each stage. ..

Clear All of Celica’s Basic Battles

Celica’s Basic Battles are a tutorial mode in this game that teaches the basics of combat. ..

Players will teach you the basics of skill usage, construct types, dodging, and other important knowledge that you’ll need to excel at the game.

If you clear all the stages in the game, you’ll earn a Black Card, which gives you an extra 50 points when you play the game again. ..

This is a unique way to get Black Cards, and since there are six Basic Battle stages, you’ll be able to get 250 Black Cards out of this method all in all.

Clear All of Celica’s Member Battles

New players can learn the basics of the game by participating in Member Battles. ..

Although these focus more on teaching you how to use certain characters in a specific way, they also offer a wealth of other tips and techniques that can help you write better.

The first stage is the introduction to the game. This is where you learn about the game and your character’s abilities. You will also be able to choose your outfit and hairstyle. This is a time where you will also learn about the game’s mechanics and how to play it. The second stage is the gameplay phase. This is where you will be playing through the game’s content, using your character’s skills to defeat enemies and complete objectives. In this phase, you will also have access to new abilities and outfits that are available in the third stage. The fourth stage is the endgame phase. In this phase, you will be fighting against other players in order to win rewards or achieve a specific goal. In this stage, you will also have access to new abilities and outfits that are available in the fifth stage.

If you clear one stage, you’ll be able to unlock further stages - giving you 10 Black Cards per stage cleared.

Collect Achievements

To clear these achievements, you’ll need to get new characters, upgrade them, and collect all kinds of resources.

You can play the game however you want and you’ll be able to net some extra Black Cards for your account.

This is a game of chance, and as such, there is no guarantee that any Black Cards will be awarded. However, if you are patient and keep playing, you may eventually find yourself with some valuable cards.

Special Achievements

Achievements are given out more generously when it comes to giving out Black Cards. This is because Special Achievements are designed to reward players for their hard work, whereas Collect Achievements are more about rewarding the player for simply playing the game.

This game has a lot of Black Cards, which is great considering how rare they are.

Do Your Dailies

The game has daily missions that have an in-game currency as a reward. The currency can be used to purchase items in the game, or to improve your character.

With dailies, you can get up to 30 Black Cards per day by doing tasks that you would do while playing the game daily anyway.

That’s about 210 Black Cards per week.

The study found that people who regularly use pull requests are more productive and have a higher chance of being successful.

Do Your Weeklies Too

Weeklies are the best way to get Black Cards in the game. They’re consistent and provide a good amount of rewards. ..

You can clear them by playing both Phantom Pain and the War Zone stages a set amount of times and achieving a set amount of points for each game mode within a week.

You can earn up to 1,210 Black Cards per week by completing these tasks. ..

That’s about 4,840 Black Cards per month! Which would be just 160 Black Cards short of the amount you’ll need for 20 pulls! ..

Time-Limited Methods

  1. Use your Black Card to purchase items from the store.
  2. Use your Black Card to get discounts on products and services.
  3. Use your Black Card to get exclusive offers and deals from businesses and organizations you know.

Most of these time-limited events in PGR linger around quite a while longer than other games, so you don’t have to worry about missing out much.

Maintenance Compensations

PGR, like most gacha games, compensates its players for each major maintenance that comes around. This helps to ensure that the game remains operational and playable for as many players as possible. ..

The developers give away a lot of Black Cards, which can vary in amount but can usually be around 500.

Event Missions

The events in Punishing Gray Raven last for a long time because the characters have a lot of story to tell.

You can take as much time as you need to go through them, but be sure to keep the main points in mind.

There are a variety of Event Missions that you can complete in order to earn Black Cards. Some of these Event Missions are simply required to progress through the event, while others may be available as rewards. Clear all of the Event Missions in order to earn a Black Card.

The repeatable event stages in this game will take some time to clear, but you should have several weeks at the very least to do all of them.

Clear Event Story Battles

Whenever an event starts, new Summon Banners will appear. These banners can be used to summon powerful monsters to help you in your battles. ..

The Black Cards are a new type of in-game currency that can be earned by playing through Story Battles. They mostly give out 30 Black Cards per stage, as opposed to the usual 50 that the Main Story Battles give. ..

The amount of Black Cards you can get depends on how long the event’s story is.

You should be able to expect a total of at least 300 Black Cards just by clearing all of it.

Surveys and Gift Codes

Surveys and gift codes are the most commonly missed methods when it comes to online shopping. ..

Punishing Gray Raven’s social media accounts can only be done by going through the events and news page, and by checking in on several of her social media accounts.

If you’re looking to stay up-to-date on the latest in the game, I’d recommend joining their Discord Server. They have various channels dedicated to letting players know about new content and updates. ..

Monthly Pass A is the best option for players who don’t mind forking over some of their hard-earned cash. It offers a great value and allows players to explore all the attractions and activities at Walt Disney World Resort without having to pay for each one individually. ..

You’ll get 300 Black Cards right off the bat, along with 100 Black Cards for 30 days.

That’ll be enough for ten pulls and then some!

For reference, here’s how many Black Cards you’ll be able to get from Monthly Pass A compared to its slightly cheaper version (Monthly Pass C): With Monthly Pass A, you’ll be able to get a total of 18 Black Cards. With Monthly Pass C, you’ll be able to get a total of 24 Black Cards.

Monthly Pass A: 100 BC x 30 = 3000 Black Cards per month Monthly Pass C: 90 BC x 30 = 2700 Black Cards per month

The cost-efficiency of the two companies is different. The first company charges more for its services, while the second company offers a lower price for its services but has a higher efficiency rating.

Monthly passes are a way to get access to different activities and events at the park. Black cards are used to purchase items and event tickets. The more black cards you have, the more chances you have of getting an event or activity that you want.

Monthly Pass A is the best option if you’re looking to spend no more than $6 per month in the game. ..