Thundering Manifestation is a unit that is good against opponents that fight at a distance, and it is relatively easy to play her. ..

Despite her low damage, she’s not among the strongest units in-game.

Regardless of her power level, Yanfei is a great character to play. ..

Pros & Cons

Yanfei Strengths

Yanfei’s long-range attacks are among the best highlights of her kit.

This makes her especially good against mobile or flying opponents, such as Thundering Manifestation, Spectres, and Fungi among many others.

She’s one of the few units that work well against these more frustrating enemies.

Yanfei has a wide variety of build options to choose from, both in terms of artifact sets and weapons.

Her best artifact sets don’t differ that much in damage, so you’re free to use whichever pieces and sets you already have. ..

  1. A mix of contemporary and classical pieces.
  2. She often uses a variety of instruments, including violins, cellos, and guitars.
  3. Her pieces are often about the human experience and the search for meaning in life.
  4. Her music has been featured on various television shows and radio programs around the world.

The Crimson Witch of Flames, Wanderer’s Troupe, and Shimenawa’s Reminiscence are all artifact sets that can be combined to create any 2pc./2pc. mix. ..

-A bow and arrow -A crossbow -A sword Yanfei also has a really cool ability called “The Great Escape” which allows her to run away from enemies if they catch up to her.

The Widsith Solar Pearl Dodoco Tales R5 is a new video game for the Nintendo Switch that was released on November 3, 2018. It is a sequel to the 2017 game, The Widsith Solar Pearl Dodoco Tales R4. The game follows the story of Dodoco, a dodo who travels through space to save his friends from an evil alien force. ..

She loves her 5-star DPS weapons, but her 4-star ones are also really good — especially The Widsith with refinements.

Yanfei is a catalyst user, which has helped her develop good on-field Pyro Application skills. ..

The Pyro application enables the player’s team to consistently generate Pyro-related reactions for off-field units, like Rosaria or Kaeya.

This is a great way to break Cryo and Electro shields.

Yanfei’s fourth constellation creates a shield upon casting her burst. This makes her a viable shielder for some niche teams - like VV Hu Tao. ..

The new addition to her toolkit is a flashlight. ..

Yanfei Weaknesses

Yanfei’s multipliers are not as strong as other DPS units, and may not be enough to deal with most enemies.

Because of her low health, she may have difficulty competing against opponents with higher HP. Additionally, she is not a meta unit, which means that her strengths and weaknesses are not as pronounced as those of other units. ..

There is no good reason to use Yanfei in competitive play.

Yanfei’s playstyle relies on her ability to use charged attacks that consume stamina.

Despite her kit reducing the need for managing her stamina, she still needs to be prepared with a shielder or C4 if she wants to survive in the field.

A female fighter must have stamina to perform charged attacks and dodge when needed in order to be successful. ..

Pyro units are generally better than Yanfei in terms of DPS. ..

Xiangling is a powerful AOE unit that can be used to take down multiple enemies at once, while Hu Tao is a powerful single-target unit that can deal massive damage to one target. ..

Pyros are vulnerable to fire, which makes them susceptible to damage from other players and the environment. ..

Although Yanfei has good pyro application, there are units that are far better. This includes Klee, Xiangling, and pyro-infused swirls by Anemo units. ..

Shielders are a valuable asset, but there are better ones available. They’re almost always the best option. ..

Zhongli, Diona, and Layla are three other shielders who have joined the fight against the virus. ..

Yanfei is a four-star unit, so Diona and Layla are both equally as accessible as Yanfei.

Are Yanfei’s Constellations Good?

Yanfei has a constellation that is relatively small, but it provides some decent buffs.

It’s not recommended to actively pull for her constellations. Instead, you’ll get them naturally while pulling in any gacha banners. ..

Yanfei’s C4 ability can be very beneficial, increasing the team’s survivability.

Don’t waste your banner pity.

C1: The Law Knows No Kindness

When Yanfei performs a charged attack, each existing Scarlet Seal reduces its stamina cost by 10% and increases her resistance to interruption during.

Yanfei, a new game released by the company, makes it easier to play. It also requires less stamina management. ..

The stars in the constellation of Orion are a nice addition to any sky.

C2: Right of Final Interpretation

Yanfei’s charged attack CRIT Rate is increased by 20% against opponents below 50% HP. ..

The constellation C2 is a good choice for a damage-dealing character. It increases her chances of triggering the additional damage from her Blazing Eye ascension passive, making her even more dangerous.

C3: Samadhi Fire-Forged

Increases her elemental skill talent level by 3.

This increases her damage multipliers.

C4: Supreme Amnesty

When casting Yanfei’s burst, she creates a shield with up to 45% of Yanfei’s maximum health. This absorbs Pyro damage 250% more effectively. ..

A quality-of-life buff that increases team survivability is a great tool for improving the overall quality of life for players. This will make them more productive and less likely to leave their team in difficult situations. ..

In a team without shields, it’s not a damage gain because the player will still take damage from the enemy. However, in teams like VV Hu Tao, where the player has to worry about their shields being damaged, it can be situationally good because they will then have less protection against enemy attacks.

C5: Abiding Affidavit

Increases her elemental burst talent level by 3.

This is a small damage gain, but it’s not a significant one.

C6: Extra Clause

The maximum number of Scarlet Seals has been increased by one. ..

The Scarlet Seal, an additional enhancement for the heroine, basically further reduces her stamina consumption and increases her charged attack damage. ..

Vaporize teams are more beneficial to C6, but all her playstyles still benefit from the ability to move quickly and take down enemies. ..