The Daimyo are a unique type of government in Japan. They are allowed to ally, wage war, and form coalitions against each other. The Shogun can only indirectly meddle in their affairs. ..

Becoming the Shogun is your ultimate goal. ..

The aim of the game is to conquer as many Daimyo as possible, and then ally them with other Daimyo in order to declare war on the reigning Shogun. ..

Choosing a Daimyo to Play

There is no one specific Daimyo who is the best choice for achievement hunting. There are, however, a lot of different Daimyo who offer different opportunities for achievement. It’s important to consider which one will fit your playstyle and what you’re looking for in an Achievement. ..

The starting point for any discussion of the European Union is the fact that each nation within it has its own ideas and priorities. It is important to consider each country’s position when making decisions about the future of the EU. ..

National Ideas

Japan’s national ideas are based on the Japanese way of life and government. You will only use the Japanese traditions when you form Japan, as they will be the foundation for all other national ideas.

If you wish to remain the Shogun and form the nation of Japan, then you must take into consideration the idea of a Daimyo.

Starting Position

The Daimyo system is a unique form of government in Japan. Each Daimyo has a unique starting position, with varying amounts of development, forts under control and neighbors threatening them. This creates a complex web of relationships that can be difficult to manage.

  1. The importance of fortifications cannot be overestimated.
  2. A strong fortification can protect a city from attack, and can also help to prevent looting and pillaging.
  3. A well-fortified city can also provide shelter from the weather, and can act as a deterrent against piracy.

Forts can be a major obstacle to your expansion, costing you time, money, and manpower. ..

The game’s start features 4 forts controlled by Ouchi, Amago, Toki, and Hatakeyama. Always consider allied nations controlling these forts to save yourself a lot of trouble.

Some nations begin with a single province and less than 10 development while other begin with more than 30 development.

The four largest players in the game are Uesugi, Hosokawa, Yamana and Ouchi.

The Hosokawa and Yamana live on opposite sides of the street, but they will soon be in each other’s way at the start of the game. They are very strong opponents, and it is sure they will be fighting soon.

Uesugi has no immediate threats to its north, meaning it could easily sweep through northern Japan without any resistance. ..

Interesting Daimyo Choices

Some very interesting and strong nations to consider for Daimyo starting positions in Japan are: China, Russia, and France. ..

Uesugi Arguably the strongest nation at game start. They start with a good ruler, 33 development split amongst 3 provinces and a lot of one province minors (OPMs) to expand into. You should ally the fort nations, unify the north, and then simply move against the Shogun to usurp the throne.

Daimyo General Strategy

You always aim to become the best. ..

The Daimyo government is a disgrace for independent nations.

To become the Shogun, you must declare war on your overlord, the Shogun, and demand the province of Kyoto using the special “War for the emperor” casus belli. In this war, any Daimyo allied to you will join on your side, while everyone else will fight against you along the Shogun. ..

Shogunate mechanics allow you to have a force limit of only 2 units during your early expansion. This means that you cannot win wars with only 2 units, but you must make sure not to go bankrupt before becoming the Shogun. ..

North and South Japan

Japan in-game should be portrayed as two separate regions, a southern and a northern one, split where the Mino and Etchu provinces are.

The two provinces that start with forts are the capitals of the nations controlling them. This means that the level 3 forts are located in these provinces. ..

The AI will almost never successfully siege these forts, so you can think them as an artificial barrier preventing them from moving on the other side.

Sieging is a costly proposition, and it’s not always the most efficient way to take down a fortress. I recommend allying with the nations controlling those forts. ..

Sengoku Jidai CB

The Sengoku Jidai casus belli allows for easy expansion without the need to always fabricate claims. This allows for daimyo with land borders to easily expand their territory without fear of conflict.

The daimyo you border only through a sea tile can’t be attacked, even if you fabricate claims.

Choice of Allies

You need allies on the other side of Japan who will fight for your interests, not their own.

Choosing an ally can be tricky when playing as Uesugi. By choosing Hosokawa or Yamana, you’ll avoid any potential conflicts with your rivals. ..

Allying as many fort-controlling nations as possible is a good idea. ..

Toki and Ouchi are the two most important forts in the city. Toki is located on the eastern edge of the city, while Ouchi is located on the western edge.

Tokyo can prevent any armies from the north from marching south, buying you enough time to siege Kyoto. ..

Road to the Shogunate

You must first become a samurai, and then you must win the support of the Shogunate.

Step 2: Choose a strategy Based on the allies you’ve chosen, your strategy will be different.

Step 2: Expand your territory by giving land to allies. Remember, they will be your vassals when you become the Shogun.

Step 3: Border Kyoto This is not necessary, but highly recommended. Kyoto is not coastal, so you don’t need to worry about its proximity to other provinces.

The United States wants the war to end as quickly as possible, so demanding more than Kyoto is not ideal.

Before declaring war, secure as many allies as you can. It will cost you some diplo for the few months the war will last but it is worth it.

The Shogun has a powerful ally in every nation. Every one of them is an extra nation on your side, and one less to worry about.

The United States has declared war on Japan and annexed Kyoto as its capital. The Japanese people are in a state of shock, and many are asking what they can do to stop the war.

Siege the Ashikaga and they will soon accept ceding their province. They will then be your vassal like everyone else, as they start with one more province in the east. ..

After Becoming the Shogun

When you become the Shogun, there is a high chance your nation will be in disarray. ..

Your conquests may be coming to an end, as rebellions are brewing among the daimyo you’ve conquered. This could mean that you’re in a lot of debt. ..

Declaring on your overlord will cost -3.

You should now focus on handling these issues, while also increasing relations and marrying your daimyo vassals to ensure their loyalty.

The daimyo should have low liberty desire because they hold power over the people.