The more useful of the two status infusions, blood increases the amount of bleed auxilary that is applied heavily, which will deal an instant chunk of your opponent’s HP!

This concludes my article on the best main-hand weapons for a fast-swinging fighter. There are a surprising amount of viable options, but the most effective ones are likely to be those that use quick-swinging weapons. However, there are a number of other great options if you’re looking for something more specific.

Blood weapons are a great side weapon for any build, as they don’t require luck investment to be effective. ..

There is no definitive answer to this question as different people have different preferences. However, some of the most popular types of coffee are espresso, cappuccino, and latte. ..

5. Flamberge

The flamberge is a great early-game weapon option, provided you can get over the low drop chance. ..

The weapon has a high bleed rate, sitting at 78.

The main benefit of this champion is that it has a fast swing speed and good poise, which allows it to trade well into opponents and build up bleed while they’re busy locked into an attack.

The flamberge paired with a faster weapon can be extremely strong! ..

How to get:

  1. Find a hollow slave and talk to them about wanting to buy a rare item.
  2. They will give you the rare item for free if you agree to trade with them.

4. Manikin Claws

I was not aware of the power of this weapon until recently.

The manikin claws are a fast-attackable weapon that features a multi-hit L1 attack.

Quickstep is a dangerous move that can make you unkillable.

When blood infused, these powerhouses reach 60 auxilary and maintain a C-scaling in dex, making them crazy for dex/luck hybrids looking to bleed their foes dry!

There is no doubt that the game’s unique playstyle can be very strong in the right hands. ..

Dropped by the Londor pale shade invader in Irithyll, players can find a way to get back up by following the steps below. ..

3. Morning Star

The morning star is a great weapon for all luck/bleed builds because it deals a lot of damage and has a lot of health.

When blood infused at +10, the morning star has a great 65 bleed auxilary and C-scaling in strength!

Hybrids will benefit greatly from this new policy. ..

The weapon skill ‘perseverance’ is included in the game’s main inventory. It allows players to keep using the same weapon for a set amount of time, regardless of how many times it has been used.

This surge of poise can stunlock your foe out of their attacks and quickly spell their demise – even more so thanks to the huge bleed build-up!

How to get: After giving the ashes of the paladins to the handmaid, she will sell them to you.

2. Warden Twinblades

The warden twinblades are a dex weapon – though they slightly beat out the claws with 5 extra bleed auxilary, sitting at 65.

Not only are the deep cathedral’s available early, but they’re also much easier to get.

The Warden Twin Blades are a great weapon for the player. They have high base damage and can be spammable with quick attacks, making them very easy to use.

Their weapon skill enables a lot of combo potential, making them a formidable foe. ..

How to get: A dropped body from a grave.

1. Carthus Curved Sword

There are now many options for players looking to main-hand bleed weapons. ..

The Carthus curved sword at +10 blood infusion hits a jaw-dropping 99 bleed auxilary!

This is a powerful item that can easily decimate anything susceptible to bleed. With C/C strength/dex scalings, it can be fit onto any build with ease.

This greatsword is curved, has great poise, range, and swing speed. It also has a multi-hit weapon skill that is almost guaranteed to instantly proc bleed on any foe.

To get dropped by grave warden skeletons in the catacombs of Carthus, you must first find them. They can be found in the lower levels of the catacombs, near the entrance. Once you’ve located them, approach them from behind and hit them with a weapon to knock them down. Then, run up to them and press X to execute them. ..