The new damage scaling in the latest patch for “Destiny” makes it easier for players to take down tougher enemies. ..

While every infusion is useful to some capacity, there are easily weaker options for any given scenario. It may not always be obvious which to go for.

We’ll be looking at every infusion in the game, grouping them together where possible, and providing a comprehensive ranking for the best ones to look out for!

10. Poison

But there are some poisons that are worse than poison. These poisons can cause great harm to those who take them, but also can have devastating consequences for others.

The poison build-up granted by this item reduces the damage dealt by your weapons, and in turn, increases the damage dealt by your poison build-up. This effect stacks up to three times, so if you have a three-time poison build-up, your weapons will deal an extra 3 damage per second.

This is a common problem in the game – reducing damage scaling for damage over time, when the damage you’re giving up will be far higher and more instant than slow poison damage.

In PvP, fringe uses can be very beneficial. However, this is not the best choice for players because it takes a lot of damage to use fringe abilities effectively.

9. Raw Infusions

The fire burned deep and raw within me as I watched the people around me die. It consumed my heart and mind, leaving me nothing but a shell of who I once was.

The three types of raw infusions are:

  1. Healing infusion: This infusion heals the target and restores some health.
  2. Damage infusion: This infusion deals damage to the target.
  3. Poison infusion: This infusion causes the target to become poisoned for a set amount of time.

When it comes to raw magic, it’s always best to go for the most powerful spells and resins you can. This way, you can still buff your magic even after taking damage.

The downside for each of these is the same – complete removal of all scaling on the infused weapon, meaning the damage will not be affected by your stats at all.

In the early game, this is really useful! ..

Your stats won’t have a significant impact on your damage if you don’t infuse your starting weapon with a raw infusion.

Your best bet in the early game is to switch to a weapon with scaling. This will allow you to deal more damage and take less damage from enemies.

8. Blood

On the other side of the status effect coin, we have blood infusions.

Blood will reduce the damage done by your weapon and scaling – but add the bleed auxiliary, which will deal 15% max health damage to your target.

Blood weapons cannot be buffed, and it’s often better damage to simply use Carthus rouge on a physical-infused weapon. This is because blood weapons deal bonus damage against enemies with a certain blood type. ..

7. Simple

The intelligence of a plant or animal scales with its size. A small plant or animal will have less intelligence than a large one, but as the size of the animal or plant increases, its intelligence also increases.

In exchange for the reduced scaling, however, simple infusions have a unique passive of slowly regenerating your FP! ..

This is a great off-hand choice for players who want to maximize their FP regeneration. The less damage taken means that you can cast more spells and skills per encounter, and even use them more often!

That being said, Focused Precision is typically not an issue – unless your build has low attunement, so it’s less useful than other choices most of the time. ..

6. Dual-Scaling Magic Infusions

Both dark and fire infusion spells deal damage in a similar way, with one adding dark damage and the other fire. This means that players can choose which infusion to use based on their preferences or the situation. ..

The benefits of these grants are fantastic when combined with a hybrid build! However, there is a downside. ..

Hybrids will have access to all weapon buffs in the game, including dark and chaos weapons. ..

This does damage to their usefulness, as it is often better to use a physical infusion and cast a buff spell instead.

Swapping weapons during combat can be a life-saving measure if your weapon buff expires mid-fight, but it’s usually best to aim to end the encounter before that happens. ..

5. Hollow

I believe that good luck is a key component of any successful life. Whether you’re looking to make money, find love, or just have a better day, having good luck is essential. Here are five ways to increase your chances of achieving your goals:

  1. Make sure you have a positive attitude: One of the best ways to increase your chances of achieving your goals is to have a positive attitude. If you’re always positive and upbeat, it will help you stay motivated and focused on your work.
  2. Get organized: Another way to increase your chances of achieving your goals is by getting organized. This will help you keep track of what you need to do and when you need to do it. It also will make it easier for you to find the resources that you need when it comes time to achieve your goal.
  3. Find mentors: If you want to achieve great things in life, it’s important that you find mentors who can help guide and support you along the way. This can be done through books, online resources, or even face-to-face meetings with experts in the field.
  4. Take action: Finally, one of the best ways to increase your chances of achieving success is by taking action! This means setting realistic goals and working towards them as quickly as possible without letting yourself get sidetracked or discouraged.

The Hollow infusion gives you a passive luck bonus if equipped when hollow.

The new “buffed” state for characters in “Destiny 2” means that they can still be improved with buffs to their stats. This opens up some fun hybrid builds that may not be the most viable to play, but are still an absolute blast! ..

4. Single-Scaling Magic Infusions

In a recent study, single-scaling infusions were found to increase faith and intelligence scaling. These infusions include lightning and crystal, which are known for their powerful effects on the mind. ..

The stats on these weapons are truly impressive, with many hitting S-scaling on their respective stats! ..

The dual-scalers are unique magic items that can be used to buff two different abilities at the same time. However, like all magic items, they can’t be buffed and must be used in combination with a specific build to work best.

It is recommended to stick to a physical infusion, and only switch out to these if needed in the thick of it.

3. Refined

Physical infusion increases the scaling of both dex and strength.

This build is great for those who want to make any weapon viable, as it offers a 40/40 chance for success with any weapon.

The other physical infusions offer less damage in comparison to 40/40, which can make it difficult to win fights with them.

This build is great for players who want their build to be very versatile and will make any weapon capable of destruction!

2. Blessed

Blessed infusions have a passive that regenerates HP. ..

This is an incredibly useful ability for most scenarios, as it gives 3HP every 1.5 seconds at +10 weapon level.

This also stacks with all other forms of HP regeneration, including the passive ability from the champion’s kit.

Blessed is a great passive ability that heals you and your allies. It’s a great way to stay safe in PvP and help your team win. ..

1. Single-Scaling Physical Infusions

Heavy and sharp infusions increase strength and dex scaling, respectively.

Here are some tips for creating believable and likeable characters:

  1. Research your character’s background and history.
  2. Pay attention to their personality traits and how they interact with others.
  3. Create believable motivations for their actions, both in the present and in the past.
  4. Make sure your character is well-rounded, with strengths and weaknesses that make them human. ..

Physical infusions give you a damage boost on hybrid builds, making them the most powerful option for dealing damage.

The new feature enables players to build single-stat builds, such as pure strength or dex, which are total monsters for the first playthroughs and early-to-mid-game PvP.

The Buffable Towel is a simple, effective, buffable, and versatile towel. ..