If Destina activates her second skill, Politis will deal AOE damage to the enemy and push herself forward, but Politis’ restriction to enemy Combat Readiness increases – which means the 30% push that would have come with Destina’s Regen ability will be severely hampered.

If Destina activates her third skill, any allies that are revived via this method will have very low health.

Politis’ passive causes her to deal damage to any unit that is revived after being killed, regardless of their health. This makes quick work of any revived units, as Politis will deal significant damage to them quickly.

Other Counters To Destina

Politis is the best option when trying to counter Destina, but there are other options for reducing her healing potential or forcing her to avoid using her best skills.

Method #1: Non-Attack Skill Abilities

Some Epic Seven Heroes have passive abilities that activate when an enemy uses a non-attacking skill.

Destina is a difficult opponent to beat if you don’t have a team that can take her down. Her two-thirds of her kit is non-attack skills, so having heroes with these abilities will help you defeat her. ..

Politis is the best partner for Celine in this regard.

After an enemy’s non-attacking skill is used, Celine will cleanse all her debuffs and attack an enemy. ..

Depending on Celine’s equipped Artifact and Exclusive Equipment, Celine will attack the enemy with the highest Attack stat, dip into Stealth after attacking, increase her Combat Readiness after the attack, or grant herself an attack buff.

It is advised to run Celine on the Secret Art – Storm Sword Artifact so she can increase her Attack stat and push her Combat Readiness forward whenever an enemy uses a non-attacking skill.

Method #2: Injury Heroes

Destina’s main threat is her copious amounts of healing. Her skill two, skill three, and skill one (when Soul Burnt) all heal either a single or all allies.

Destina’s debuff cleanse makes using the Unhealable debuff impossible.

Injury Heroes lower the maximum health of enemies they attack by a percentage, and this effect persists even when revived.

Belian is the go-to Hero when trying to inflict Injury, but requires the Injury set. Other Heroes like Apocalypse Ravi can inflict Injury with her first skill.

Method #3: Extinction Heroes

Destina’s AOE revive can be very frustrating, especially if the Destina is fast enough to cycle her skill three times. ..

  1. The Extinction unit is a powerful unit that can easily take out Destina units.
  2. The Extinction unit is also very fast, so it can easily move around and take out Destina units quickly.
  3. The Extinction unit is also very strong, so it can easily take down any Destina unit.

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Blood Moon Haste is a great Hero to use to counter revive units by granting a party-wide barrier and Immunity buff whenever a Hero is revived. This can help to prevent them from resurrecting too often and potentially costing your team valuable time.