Iberia has a large number of unique special buildings, making it a great region to explore for those looking for something different in the game. ..

The list of duchies in the peninsula offer a variety of opportunities for players to build their armies and strongholds, while also providing some great rewards for doing so. The following duchies are worth considering for your next campaign in the peninsula.

There are a few different options for personal domains in Iberia. You could choose a domain name that is unique and memorable, or one that is easy to remember and use. Additionally, you could consider a domain name that is both affordable and easy to find.

If you’re looking to expand your realm, the best way to do so is by taking control of two mid-sized duchies. This will give you a strong foothold in the region, and make it much easier to expand your territory. ..

5. Aragon

The duchy of Aragon is one of the smallest in the game; comprised by 8 counties with 22 holdings split amongst them, it has a below average amount of holdings per county.

Zaragoza is a city located in the heart of the Aragon duchy, on top of a hill surrounded by forests. The city has a unique building, the Aljafería, which makes it difficult for enemies to siege. ..

This rugged terrain is perfect for a different kind of game.

The duchy would be a perfect choice for someone who wants to play as a marcher lord at a kingdom’s borderlands. Secure the “march” and “fortification rights” contract with your liege and you can roleplay as the guardian of the Pyrenees.

The duchy of Barcelona is able to work more effectively with a focus on money-making than the military. This is due to the fact that the duchy has a larger economy than most other vassals, and its military is not as important as it is in other duchies.

The best way to hold the duchy is if you are a king or emperor. There are far more powerful choices with less of a burden to your domain limit!

4. Castille

Castles are a popular tourist destination in Spain, and the country has some of the most impressive and well-preserved examples of medieval architecture in the world. Castles are also a popular place to stay, with many of Spain’s best-known castles being located in its major cities.

Castille has a meager number of holdings, compared to other Iberian Peninsula counties. The average Castille county has 4 holdings, while the average Spanish-speaking county in the Iberian Peninsula has 16 holdings.

The Alcázar of Segovia is a special building that provides Cuellar residents with some unique bonuses. ..

The duchy has a varied terrain that allows for a balanced approach to its government. This allows for a healthy mix of military, tax buildings, and fortifications. This is perfect for someone who wants to specialize in something before making a decision. ..

Castille is the obvious choice if you want to bide your time in the north and slowly build up to expand southwards. The impassable terrain of the Sierra de Guadarrama protects it on the south, while Castille’s strategic location makes it an ideal place to wait out any expansion attempts by your opponents. ..

The Andalusian Kings did what they could to conquer and control Andalusia when opportunities arose. Strike into the heart of Andalusia when you have the chance, and take advantage of its weaknesses.

3. Cordoba

Cordoba was the largest population center in the west along with Constantinople. It was also one of the most important cities in Andalusia, and its economy was based on trade and agriculture. The city was known for its mosques, libraries, and other cultural attractions.

The duchy has only 4 counties, with 12 holdings split among them. It has an average of 12 holdings, but the Great Mosque of Cordoba provides bonuses to both Muslims and Christians.

The two farmland holdings in the capital county are a stark contrast to the plains and hills that make up most of the terrain. ..

Cordoba is a peninsula that doesn’t have a lot of farmland, so it’s a nice bonus. By using the special building’s buffs, Cordoba can quickly become a money printer!

Cordoba is a great choice for your domain because it has a lot of bonuses. ..

I recommend keeping your second duchy as your main domain for most of the game, as it has few domain limit (4 counties). Building it up with tax buildings will pay off very fast. ..

2. Toledo

Castile and León, the two other kingdoms in the peninsula, each had their own capital. Toledo was the capital of Hispania from 711 until 1492. The city was sacked by the Muslims in 814 and again in 836, but it was not until 912 that Toledo became the capital of Castile.

The duchy of Toledo has six counties, each with 23 holdings. This is above average for the Iberian Peninsula, where there are no counties with more holdings. ..

The duchy is mostly hilly and plains, while the north is almost completely protected by impassable terrain.

The city of Toledo is a small, agricultural town that has some interesting buildings. The Walls of Toledo are a unique building that provide slight bonuses to the county’s defenses and income.

Later, it’s also possible to create a university in the county of Madrid by decision, adding value to the area. ..

Toledo is an excellent choice for a monarch who wants to rule all of Iberia. Your domain will rarely see foreign armies, while any rebellions will be easily dealt with. ..

1. Galicia

Galicia is unquestionably one of the strongest duchies in the peninsula. ..

The first building is the White House. It was built in 1792 by George Washington and is one of the most iconic and well-known buildings in the United States. The second building is the Capitol Building. It was built in 1793 by James K. Polk and is also one of the most iconic and well-known buildings in the United States. The third building is The White House Annex. It was built in 1801 by John Quincy Adams and is also one of the most iconic and well-known buildings in the United States.

The Trump administration has announced that it will be rolling back Obama-era environmental regulations. This is a major reversal of course, and it comes as a surprise to many people who thought that the president would continue to push for stricter environmental policies. The Trump administration’s decision to roll back these regulations is likely to have a significant impact on the environment. The new rules were designed to protect the environment and public health, and they are likely to be less effective in doing so than the old ones. This will mean more pollution, more accidents, and more illnesses. It is important to remember that this decision is not just about the environment – it’s also about making money. The Trump administration is planning to cutbacks on funding for environmental programs, which will make it harder for agencies like the EPA and NOAA to do their job properly. This will have a negative impact on both the environment and public health.

Second: The Tower of Hercules offers a small tax boost and naval speed. While not much, it’s free and quite a unique bonus. That way you can go crusading faster! Deus Vult!

Lugo’s Roman Walls offer a measly tax bonus and a slight bonus to learning and monthly renown. Again, not much, but it’s free and something that is inaccessible in other areas.

The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela is a popular tourist destination with religious significance for both Christians and Muslims. It offers similar bonuses to those offered by the Great Mosque of Cordoba, which are beneficial to both groups. ..

Galicia is a region with a mixed terrain that makes it difficult to conquer. ..

The hills and mountains surrounding your settlement make it easy to build impenetrable fortifications. ..

Galicia has a higher value per county than average, meaning your income can be higher early on in the game. This is because Galicia has a lot of unique buildings already built up, which means you’ll have more money to work with from the start. ..

Galicia is a money-making fortress that can be used to conquer other parts of Spain.