The Cost Of A Finger Surgery

Finger surgery is a procedure that is aimed at replacing, relieving, and stabilizing a damaged or injured finger. The surgery is only recommended when other treatments have proven to be futile in restoring comfort. A doctor may recommend finger surgery because of many reasons. Some of these reasons are discussed below. ..

Trigger finger is a condition where the tendon in the finger becomes stiff and it is difficult or almost impossible to straighten the finger. The symptoms may include a bump in the palm at the base of the affected finger or sudden locking and straightening of the finger. Severe cases of trigger finger may necessitate the amputation of the tendons, which is a very painful process. Open surgery is performed to correct the stiffening; although there are other types of tendon repair surgery, this procedure has proved to be the safest of all. Amputated finger- ghastly accidents may lead to cutting off a person’s finger or fingers completely. Such injuries leave the finger susceptible to multiple infections that lead to greater damage. Finger reimplantation reattaches the finger to restore as much function as possible. This is a complex type of surgery where tiny tools are used and it is performed under a microscope.

The Cost Of A Finger Surgery:

  1. The type of finger replacement or repair surgery being performed
  2. The location of the surgery
  3. The complexity of the surgery

A patient is having surgery at a hospital. The doctor performing the surgery is _____. ..

Different situations may have different costs associated with them. ..

The average cost of a finger surgery without anesthesia is $1,500. A health insurance policy can help pay for the majority of the cost. A ballpark estimate is usually offered to patients with insurance.

Extra Surgery Costs

After a finger surgery, the patient must work with a hand therapist to help regain the mobility and strength of the finger. Heavy lifting and hand-straining activities must be avoided to ensure healing. Therapy sessions may cost $60-$90 per week and these sessions may run for up to 8 or 12 weeks, depending on the complexity of the procedure and insurance scheme.


Every surgery comes with a risk, no matter how small. Most surgeries come with the risk of bleeding and infection and other additional risks depending on the type of procedure performed. Incomplete healing is a common after-surgery effect, which is frequently a result of adhering to the physician’s advice on what to and what not to do. The success of a finger surgery depends on the doctor but largely depends on you. ..

A finger surgery typically takes around one hour. ..

A finger surgery may take from 20 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the size and complexity of the surgery. It is rare for a patient to require overnight hospitalization.

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Depending on the surgery, there may be a small scar or no scar at all.

A trigger finger surgery is a type of surgery that is often done to fix a problem with your fingers. The surgery can involve cutting off the skin on one side of your hand and then sewing it back together. This will leave you with a scar on the area where the skin was cut. The doctor will discuss all of the risks involved before performing the surgery.

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the safest surgery procedure depends on a variety of factors, including the individual’s age, health history, and other medical conditions. However, some surgeons believe that laparoscopic surgery is the safest option for patients over the age of 50, and that open surgery is not as safe as it once was.

Every finger joint surgery is safe to an extent, though risks or complications may vary. The doctor would know what is best for you and provide you with the safest options. ..