The Mountaineer Rental Assistance Program provides financial assistance to residents of West Virginia to help cover their utility and rent expenses for up to 18 months. This includes coverage of sewage, water, energy, electricity, and gas. In addition, the program provides a $300 monthly stipend to help cover fees for internet service. This program can be used to cover other expenses such as deposits on utility payments, eviction costs, and down payments on housing. ..

How Do I qualify for the Program?

  1. Be a resident of the United States
  2. Have a valid driver’s license or identification card
  3. Be in good physical health
  4. Be able to hike at least 8 miles per day on the mountain
  5. Have a current membership in the Mountaineer Rental Association

The program has been allocated a large sum of money to propagate it; $260 million. As of August 2021, about $15 million had been spent. ..

Who are those not eligible for the program? 

The aim of this program was not to help everyone, but to those who had problems with housing. This is not the same group of people as those who do not qualify for it, such as people who have no money or no place to live.

Is it possible to apply for the Mountaineer Rental Assistance Program by myself? 

If you meet the requirements for application to the program, proceed to the following steps: Visit the program website for more information. You can either apply as a landlord or tenant by clicking the respective option on the homepage. Create an account by providing an email address and choosing your password. Supply the requested information and click on the “Register Account” button. When this is done, a message will be sent to the email address you used for registration. The verification will contain a link that you can use to verify your email. Click the link and it will guide you through the verification process. You can now use the login details to start the application process. After verification, you’ll be redirected to the Welcome page. You can then select the person you are applying as; a landlord or tenant


The COVID-19 pandemic had a number of deadly effects, but one of the most significant was the restriction on movement that it caused. This led to lockdowns becoming common, businesses closing, and people losing their jobs. This meant some people were unable to pay for amenities such as water, energy, and shelter. To help these people maintain good financial health, programs like the Mountaineer Rental Assistant Program were founded. ..