Pope Francis has a number of ways to keep excommunicated Catholics in check. The simplest and most reliable way is to maintain good relations with him. There are other ways, but some are quite drastic and come with their own problems.

  1. Talk to a bishop or priest about your situation
  2. Seek counseling or therapy
  3. Write out your thoughts on the excommunication situation and why it occurred
  4. Attend a church service to apologize for any wrongs you may have done
  5. Make a donation to charity

Method 1: Maintain Positive Relations with the Papacy

Positive Modifiers

You can grant the “Religious Diplomats” privilege to your Clergy estate. It gives a passive +25 opinion with all Catholic nations. ..

Diplomats in your embassy can improve relations with the Papal State. This action can result in a +100 opinion modifier, which is enough to offset the usual negative opinion modifiers.

Diplomatic actions are listed in the table below. Refer to it to find out what diplomatic actions you can take. There are a variety of diplomatic actions that you can take, depending on the situation. Refer to the table below for more information. ..

The Treaty of Tordesillas

This treaty was created to help the first nation to have five cores in a colonial region. If that nation is the first to have those cores, they become the region’s sole colonizer. However, you are not required to settle your colony there. You can simply keep it as your own.

If you break the treaty with the Pope, you’ll lose -50 opinion with him. This modifier does decay by +1 per year, but it stacks every time you violate it.

A lot of newbies get excommunicated because they don’t know how to do things the right way.

Method 2: Buy Indulgence from the Papacy

You can’t be excommunicated if you’ve bought indulgence from the Pope. You can do this by pressing the icon beside the mini-map.

This protection only lasts for five years. After which, you’ll need to buy it again to renew your protection.

The price of indulgences depends on the size of the Clergy estate, as well as the number of Catholic nations. As the Catholic world expands, the cost of indulgences will become more expensive.

Method 3: Become the Defender of the Faith

Pope Francis has said that the Catholic Church can’t excommunicate someone who defends the faith, so taking on that role protects you from their judgment even if they hate you.

The current male-led government in the independent country of Papua New Guinea is a step in the right direction, but more work needs to be done to ensure that all Papua New Guineans have access to basic rights and opportunities. This includes ensuring that all Papua New Guineans can participate in the political process, receive education and healthcare, and enjoy a quality life.

500 ducats will get you a defender tier 3, 4, or 5. Additionally, you’ll get various modifiers depending on your defender tier.

This tier is determined by the number of Catholic countries.

This is a difficult task, as it can be difficult to know who is a heretic and who isn’t. It can be even more difficult to distinguish between the true faith and heresy.

When a Catholic country is attacked by a non-Catholic country, the Catholic Church will automatically call for their people to arm themselves and defend their homeland. If the country does not answer this call, they may face penalties from the Church. ..

The nation you’ve spurned has a diplomatic reputation of 5 years and a prestige of 100. They also have a negative opinion rating with the nation.

If you accept a call but then lose the war, your position as the Defender of the Faith will be lost. ..

Method 4: Convert to a Different Religion

The Catholic Church excommunicates only other Catholics. The Pope has no power over other Christian denominations or non-Christians for that matter. ..

Pope Francis is angry. He’s been angry for weeks, and he doesn’t seem to be getting any better. He’s been railing against the Catholic Church’s traditional ways for years, and now he’s decided that converting to a different religion might be the best way to get away from him.

There are many opportunities for travel depending on your nation and region. ..

If the “Return of the Hussites” event happens around 1446-1500, and Bohemia controls Prague, Protestantism can break out in Central Europe. Centers of Reformation will start appearing across Europe, and will steadily convert nearby provinces. Affected nations can convert to the Protestant or the Reformed faiths. The Britons can establish their own Aglican Church when at least 15 years have passed since the start of the Reformation. The Iberians can conquer North Africa and annex Muslim provinces. They’d have to force-spawn a Muslim zealot rebellion and then accept the demand for conversion. Eastern Europeans have easy access to Orthodox provinces. Like with the Iberians, they’d need to encourage an Orthodox zealot rebellion to convert to Orthodoxy. ..