To catch these mighty predators, you will need to have a fishing level of 76 and a harpoon. ..

There are other ways to catch minnows, such as using small fish or using minnows. We’ll look at these methods in more detail below!

Knowing where to catch sharks is important, since fishing in the “better” spots will make you more money, decrease banking time, and help you just catch more. ..

5. Burgh de Rott

The town of Burg De Rott is one of the few places in the world where you can catch raw sharks. These sharks swim off the southern coast line of Burg De Rott, and they are a great source of food for locals and tourists alike.

In Aid of the Myerque quest allows you to build a bank in the city. This is a very important step if you wish to fish here properly!

The fishing spots are for sharks, too. This means you can afk and simply click a spot, knowing you’ll get sharks in return.

I highly recommend using a Crystal, Dragon, or Infernal Harpoon here.

The Morytania Elite Diary offers a unique fishing experience that requires a high fishing level. This experience allows players to catch sharks barehanded, which is a task that is also available through the game’s main menu.

4. Jatizso

Jatizso is a fishing spot that is close to a bank, making it an ideal spot for fishermen. ..

The only issue is that the quest line is locked and you’ll need to have completed the Fremennik Trials and started the Fremennik Isles to access it.

This used to be the best fishing spot in the game because it was located so close to a bank. And it still is great for sure. You can expect around 90 – 150 sharks per hour here, depending on your fishing level. ..

Using a Crystal, Dragon, or Infernal Harpoon is the best way to kill the boss. ..

3. Catherby

Catherby is a small town located in the heart of the country. It is known for its fishing industry, and is a popular tourist destination.

There’s a lovely fishing store right by the shoreline that you might want to check out!

The Shark Coast is a great place to see sharks. You can catch a little bit of everything here, including shrimp, cod, tuna, swordfish, bass, lobster, herring, and of course: sharks!

If you’re looking to cook your catch, there’s a cooking range located right next door to the bank. And this is especially useful for Ironmen, who need to prepare their catches quickly. ..

There are a variety of farming patches located near the fishing spots, so you can always take a break from catching sharks to quickly tend to your crops. This allows you to multi-task quite efficiently, since you can focus on fishing and farming at the same time.

Remember your trusty harpoon! Harpoon options for dragon and crystal are best, of course.

2. Fishing Guild

The Fishing Guild is a great spot to catch sharks. And all other manner of fish, really.

To fish in the park, you’ll need a minimum level of 68 fishing.

A sneaky player can boost their level with a fishing potion and enter early by sneaking around.

Fishing here is a great way to make money. The guild has an +7 fishing boost, which means you’ll catch fish much faster.

Fishermen can still catch fish at a higher level, but this does not unlock new levels. ..

The town of Ocracoke is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a quiet getaway. There’s also a conveniently located bank and a ton of shark fishing spots around the area too. Experience rates should be slow, at around 20k per hour. But you’ll net quite a few sharks during your time here. ..

1. Minnow Platform

The Minnow Platform is the best location to fish for sharks in Old School RuneScape. However, it’s the most click intensive option, while the other options on this list are mostly idle. ..

To access the platform, you’ll need a full fishing set and a fishing level of at least 82. ..

The Fishing Trawler minigame offers the Angler’s set.

If you’re looking for a small fishing spot, be sure to check out the interior of the platform. Every 15 seconds, a new fish will move into the spot. You’ll need a small fishing net to catch these minnows.

I also recommend a Rada’s Blessing (4) which has an 8% chance to double the amount of fish you catch. It’s definitely handy.

You can trade minnows for sharks at a rate of 40 minnows for 1 shark.

The minnow is a great addition to your inventory because it only takes up one spot. This is definitely convenient.

Experience is good too, at 35,000 experience per hour and 350-400 sharks per hour.

This is a very high-profit business venture that is likely to continue for a long time.