There is a lot of power to be found in passive items, especially when it comes to improving your performance. By taking advantage of passive items, you can increase your efficiency and performance in the game.

The Gungeoneers can hold these items to gain powerful boons like stronger bullets, faster movement, and even an extra life. Some strings attached are that the items cannot be used again until they are taken off of the player’s inventory.

The best passive items in the Gungeon are those that grant bonuses that are unique to the item. These bonuses can be helpful in increasing your survivability or giving you an edge over your competition.

  1. A good weapon to start with: a bow or crossbow is a great way to take down enemies quickly and easily.
  2. A safe place to store your weapons: keeping your weapons and ammunition safe is important in order to avoid them from being stolen or damaged.
  3. A map of the Gungeon: making sure you know where everything is will help you navigate your way through the dungeon and find all the treasure!

20. Cog of Battle

The Cog of Battle is a new accessory for the Gears of War franchise that allows players to reload their weapons more quickly. ..

This C-tier item allows all guns to gain an active reload, which rewards a second tap of the reload button at the right time with more powerful bullets and a shorter reload animation.

The blue chest has a few situational items in it, but one of the best is the situational item, the situational item.

Active reloading is a reloading technique that allows you to fire a round multiple times in quick succession. This allows you to take advantage of enemy weaknesses and potentially win the battle.

19. Full Metal Jacket

I’m not an average Joe, and I don’t have Master Rounds.

In a trance, it’s less valuable to shoot the blank.

The FMJ is a common B-tier item, but it can be hard to overstate the advantage of automatic blank activation.

This badge can turn a police officer into a robot cop.

18. Clown Mask

In PAYDAY 2, players can team up with friends to rob banks together. The Clown Mask is a unique item that can be used to disguise yourself as another player and help them rob the bank.

This product is actually designed to help you avoid crime. ..

The Clown Mask is only available for purchase if you steal it from the store or anger the owner so he packs up and leaves. ..

The PAYDAY 2: The Biker Heist DLC pack includes a new enemy, the Payday gang member, who can be fought in co-op mode. If paired with other PAYDAY 2 items like the Loot Bag and the Drill, the gang member can be recruited to fight alongside you. ..

To get the phone unlocked, you will need to go to a store and ask for it to be unlocked. ..

17. Hungry Bullets

The bullets that these projectiles eat are one of the most powerful in the game.

The bullets that are used to kill cannibals will grow in size and damage with each shot. ..

Beam weapons are incredibly powerful against anything that isn’t immune to damage, as their damage is doubled. This makes them incredibly effective against most enemies, making the game very easy. ..

This A-tier item can help make battles against bullet-blanketing bosses like the Wallmonger and the Dragun much easier.

The Tarnisher has been locked away for centuries, but it has finally been unlocked by a lucky event. Getting swallowed by the creature will allow you to access its power.

16. Armor Synthesizer

The Armor Synthesizer is a machine that can create armor pieces. If you play well enough, the machine will bring in a steady stream of armor pieces.

If you clear a room without taking damage while holding an A-tier item, there’s a 10% chance you’ll receive the coveted shield. ..

That’s at least one piece of armor on every floor if you don’t totally suck. ..

If you’re lucky enough to get more than one Synthesizer at the same time, one will take shots in your place. ..

Get all three companions and you’ll have three orbiting around you.

15. Gunknight Helmet

This knight was known for his great strength and prowess in the battlefield. He was able to fight with the best of them, and his helmet protected him from harm. Some say that this knight was once a powerful king who ruled over a land rich in resources. But now, he is long gone and his helmet has been lost forever.

The armor set that is awarded upon pick-up in this A-tier dungeon is good on its own, but it pales in comparison to the complete set that is awarded on each floor. ..

The two will turn the player into Cormorant, the Aimless Knight, in order to help them achieve their goals.

The new gun design eliminates the need to reload, making it a more powerful weapon. ..

Finding all three pieces of the Gunknight set increases the chance of finding the final boss. ..

Defeating 25 Gun Nuts for Friffle and the Grey Mauser will unlock the weapon.

14. Metronome

The Metronome is a move introduced in the original 151 Pokémon that will help you gradually increase in power as long as you avoid taking damage. ..

This B-tier item grants a small damage bonus of 2% for every enemy killed without taking damage or changing guns.

If you manage to keep going until 75 consecutive kills, we’re looking at a whopping 150% maximum damage increase – which rises to 250% if you’re also carrying the Drum Clip.

13. Mimic Tooth Necklace

Mimics are everywhere. They’re in our language, in our culture, and even in our own thoughts. But what do they really represent?

In the Gungeon, you’ll find yourself fighting off hordes of mimics in a never-ending battle for survival. These creatures are incredibly dangerous and can quickly kill you if you don’t have a strong defense. To make matters worse, they can also copy your moves and abilities, so it’s important to be careful not to get overwhelmed.

The ambush predators have taught me a valuable lesson.

If you can shoot first and gun them down without dying, you’ll get the chest’s contents – no key needed.

The Mimic Tooth Necklace is an A-tier item that’ll turn every single chest into a mimic. It’s a dangerous world, but its riches are yours to take if you aim true.

The Ring of Mimic Friendship opens every chest in the game.

After hunting three mimics for Friffle and the Frey Mauser, players can unlock a new weapon in the game. ..

12. Master of Unlocking

Play your cards right and you could walk away with the keys to the city. ..

This B-tier item is effective in rewarding you with keys upon completing rooms undamaged.

This is because the Gungeon was designed to be a randomly generated dungeon, with different rooms and layouts each time you play. This makes it a great game for replayability. ..

This item almost guarantees a fair amount of keys if you’re not terrible at the game. If you’re not terrible at the game, it’s likely that you’ll find some keys.

If you want to get the most out of opening green chests on the first floor, getting it early is key. This makes the process of finding and opening chests a lot more tempting.

The Resident Evil name is derived from an iconic line from the original game, where Barry Burton calls protagonist Jill Valentine “The Master of Unlocking”. ..

11. Platinum Bullets

Platinum is a rare material that is only found in the universe.

If you’re going to make your bullets out of platinum, they better be as good as gold.

These Platinum Bullets are effective at first, but they will gradually increase your damage and fire rate with every successful hit.

If you can keep your combo going, you’ll eventually triple your damage and fire rate – which will increase your DPS exponentially and justify this item’s S-tier rating.

The Hegemony credits purchase unlocked the ability to use the new weapon system, the Ox-Cadence.

10. Blank Bullets

blank bullets are a great way to protect yourself from potential attacks.

This S-tier bullet improvement causes each projectile impact to cause a small-scale localized blank, effectively destroying all nearby bullets.

Since enemies tend to shoot at you, it’s easy to silence them by shooting quickly enough.

Doug unlocked the door to the secret lab by buying them from him for 28 hegemony credits. ..

9. Chicken Flute

If you find an ocarina in a green chest deep in the Gungeon, it’s likely that you’ll find something else of interest inside.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s “B-tier” instrument may not seem like much, but it doesn’t have any special abilities. ..

The new Fortnite update will add an adorable chicken familiar that will block bullets for you. ..

This chick gets angry after a few hits, which can summon its chicken friends to gang up on your enemies. ..

Hilarious and practical, the new iPhone XS Max is the perfect phone for anyone who wants the best of both worlds. With its updated design and features, this phone is sure to make your life easier. ..

The past is a bullet that can be killed, and that’s what The Bullet does. It takes the memories of the people who have died and turns them into a force that can be reckoned with.

8. Clone

Cloning is a controversial field of study because it has the potential to create life that is not genetically related to the person who created it. ..

When you’re exploring the dark depths of the Gungeon, there’s no point in worrying about ethical issues.

This incredible S-tier item allows players to keep their items and loadout after dying by cloning them in the first room of the Gungeon. ..

The Gungeon is a challenging dungeon that can be difficult to complete again with your endgame gear. However, with the right strategy, you can blaze through it quickly and easily. ..

The Ox’s replacement arm was retrieved from the Gungeon.

7. Riddle of Lead

The Riddle of Lead is a special item that can be found only in the Gungeon, the deepest abyss of the game. Players who have braved its depths and defeated the immortal being that inhabits it are worthy of this powerful artifact. ..

This S-tier item allows Gungeoneers to take on tasks that would normally require a lot of strength and stamina.

The new armor set increases your damage by 30%, makes your dodge roll 15% longer, and lets you run 10% faster. ..

The new heart container increases your maximum health by 50%.

The item you can trust is a 50% chance to negate any damage.

Clearing the Bullet Hell and defeating the Lich are two key goals of the game.

6. Shelleton Key

The Shelleton Key is one of the most valuable resources in Enter the Gungeon, but it becomes irrelevant if you get it.

This amazing S-tier item unlocks any chest or lock without spending a single key.

The increased chance of enemies appearing with a cursed state is a fair trade-off for the increased chance of jammed enemies.

The Baby Good Shelleton has fantastic synergies with Master of Unlocking and the AKEY-47. It can also give the AKEY-47 infinite ammo (and make it shoots skulls instead of keys). ..

Stealing from merchants 10 times has unlocked the “Thief” title for you. ..

5. Ser Junkan

I really enjoy Ser Junkan in the Gungeon – even if it’s not my favorite item.

Gungeon is a challenging and rewarding dungeon crawler that encourages recycling. ..

If you find any Junk from a broken chest, Ser Junkan will turn it into equipment. The Junk will gradually become stronger, making it more useful in battle.

After collecting seven bags of another person’s trash, you may find yourself being seen as a hero who can help change their fortunes. ..

The key to unlocking the Ser Junkan is to kill a boss with an upgraded Ser Junkan.

4. Gun Soul

Fans of FromSoftware’s notoriously complex action RPGs will love the Gun Soul, an A-tier passive item that puts Dark Souls a step closer to FromSoftware’s signature action RPGs.

Players will be resurrected upon death if holding the Gun Soul, but they’ll only have a single heart container.

To regain your hit points, you’ll have to journey back from the beginning of the floor to where you died.

If you combine the Old Knight’s Flask with any shop or elevator, you’ll find functional bonfires.

In Enter the Gungeon, you can find checkpoints.

The Dragun are a powerful and dangerous race of creatures that dwell in the highlands of Vanquishing the High Dragun. They are a fierce and warlike people, and have been known to use their powerful dragun abilities to conquer entire villages or even entire regions.

3. Seven-Leaf Clover

Luck is a significant factor in the Gungeon.

The dungeon determines the bosses you fight, the rooms that drop keys and the quality of the chests you find. ..

This Seven-Leaf Clover is supposed to bring you luck, and it sort of does. It’s a S-tier item that could be a boon for those looking to improve their fortunes.

Now, you can find a green chest almost anywhere.

This item comes with a red and black key ring to ensure that you have a fearsome arsenal when you need to get into your car.

The challenges in Winchester are unlocked by completing three of the game’s tasks.

2. Pig

People find the piggy-like companion to be off-putting, but when his partner is in danger, the pig proves to be a true hero and friend. ..

This A-tier item gives you a cosmetic pet pig.

After all, your enemies don’t take damage or attack you if you use your magic.

Until you’re in mortal danger, don’t do anything that could put yourself in danger. ..

This piggy is so friendly and protective of others that he will do whatever it takes to save them.

Your heart is filled with gratitude for his sacrifice and you feel a renewed sense of purpose.

The weapon that killed three Beholsters was an old and rare rifle, the Friffle. It had been given to them by the Grey Mauser, a company that specialized in firearms.

1. Lich’s Eye Bullets

The Gunslinger is a Gungeoneer who has the Lich’s Eye Bullets. These bullets are incredibly powerful and can easily take down any enemy. He is also very fast, so he can get to his targets quickly.

These mystical ocular replacements can activate every gun’s synergy, making every weapon the best version of itself.

Weapons with synergies are almost always more powerful than those without them. This makes most weapons viable, and the best ones are simply unfair to armies that rely on bullets. ..

The Gunslinger is a playable character in the game.