Death Note is a popular anime that has had a large impact on the Western audience.

The show “Stranger Things” is a unique and interesting show that appeals to essentially everyone. When I worked in Specsavers, my forty-year old boss told me she had seen the first season, and it blew my mind. ..

Zombie mecha kaiju stories are often set in a dystopian fantasy medieval world, and lack fanservice in favor of compelling characters and a twisting narrative. ..

The characters in this book are really well written. ..

The vast majority of video games are deep, involving stories with complex characters and plots that are often vulnerable to tragedy. This is what made Game of Thrones so popular, with its many dramatic deaths that kept viewers hooked. ..

Disney’s “The Lion King” is a classic that has been loved by generations of moviegoers. The film was released in 1994 and tells the story of young Simba, who is forced to leave his home and family to become king of the jungle. Along the way, he must overcome obstacles such as Scar, a rival who wants to take over the kingdom. The film features some of the best animation and music ever created in the medium, making it an important franchise for Disney. ..

WARNING: FULL SPOILERS FOR SEASON ONE, TWO, AND THREE AHEAD! As the show enters its third season, it’s clear that there are many questions left unanswered. Some of these questions have been answered in previous episodes of the show, but others remain unresolved. In this article, we’ll be taking a look at some of the most pressing questions that still remain in Season 3 and what we can expect from the upcoming episodes.

15. Annie Leonhart

Annie is a military police officer who is part of our main squad. She is a stoic badass and an excellent member of the team. ..

The woman we’re led to believe will become a key combatant asset is skilled in mixed combat and driven by a strong desire to survive. She is believed to be able to help us defeat our enemies and protect our people.

That is, until she becomes a Titan and murders many of the strongest humans have to offer against the mysterious creatures.

She’s a fast and powerful fighter, able to generate her skin into a crystalline substance that can deflect almost anything. She also retains her fighting skills, making her a ruthless enemy.

14. Connie Springer

Connie is a supporting character who is not very significant at first.

With his unassuming short stature, childish buzzcut, and immature personality, we would all think he was a child.

The protagonist begins to develop into a strong and confident ally throughout the series.

He joins the survey corps to better himself as a man, but quickly realizes that he has no idea what he’s doing. He spends his days reading surveys and trying to answer questions that seem easy, but in the end he’s left with a lot of questions that he can’t answer.

Connie is a likable and endearing character because of his flaws.

Connie is not a very strong person. He is not very active or ambitious. He doesn’t have great plans or goals.

He’s a typical soldier, riddled with survivor’s guilt and mixed in something greater than him.

Connie wants to do what’s best for herself and those around her. She’s often misunderstood, but she’ll never stop trying to make a difference. ..

13. Grisha Yeager

Grisha is a well-respected doctor and father to Eren and Mikasa. He is an important character in the series, and his role in the story is significant.

Eren begins his journey to find the truth of the study he always kept locked up by leaving before the Titans invade and murder his wife.

Titans are a mysterious and dark force that has been key to understanding the true nature of the world. They are a force that is often difficult to understand, and their past is something that has left them shrouded in mystery. This is something that makes them all the more intriguing, and makes their story even more compelling.

Without Grisha, the story would be drastically different – and we still don’t fully know him.

12. Hange Zoe

Hange is a highly intelligent and scientific individual with a strong interest in the occult and supernatural. She is also an experienced strategist and battlefield commander, having served in the 14th Survey Corps for many years.

She is a skilled fighter and has developed many weapons to counter Titans. Her studies of Titans have given her an intimate understanding of their species, which has led her to develop many weapons to counter them.

Angie is a brilliant writer and thinker, but her explosive temper gets in the way of her productivity. ..

I love her because she doesn’t care about appearances or anything like that. She always looks deeper for answers than what is apparent on first glance, and I find her refreshingly unpretentious.

11. Zeke Yeager

Zeke is the half-brother of Eren and son of Grisha, driven by a complex eugenic ambition that shatters the unity of Eldia and Marley. Zeke is a powerful young man with a thirst for revenge that will consume him and his family.

He is a powerful warrior who possesses the ability to control the Beast Titan, an apelike monolith with incredible intelligence and ingenuity.

I was taken aback by how much resemblance Grisha has to his mother, and the way that he takes on her appearance. I can’t help but wonder if this is a deliberate act on his part, or if he simply inherited her looks. His entire family seems to be at odds with one another, and it’s fascinating to watch.

The Attack on Titan full act hasn’t been revealed yet, but it is expected to be very exciting.

Eren and Levi are the stars of the show, but there’s already a strong contender in the form of Butch. He’s already building up to be a compelling, well-written counterpart to them.

10. Ymir

Despite enlisting and performing admirably as a member of the Scouting Legion, she seems not to care about her teammates or the overall state of humanity.

She’s cynical, sometimes immature, and always secretive.

When the Jaw Titan reveals herself as the woman known as the “Jaw Titan,” her character really comes into her own, displaying a complex and shadowy past. Her reveal provides a great insight into her character and makes for an interesting read.

When in Titan form, she is small but fast and capable of biting down without insurmountable strength. ..

Ymir is a compelling character because she has a strong allegiance to a person over anything or anybody else. This makes her an interesting and engaging character to me.

9. Bertolt Hoover

Eren’s Titanic bloodlust is based off of Bertolt, the influential and powerful man who has a significant role in his life. Bertolt is the driving reason for Eren’s Titanic bloodlust, and he has a significant impact on Eren’s life.

The Titan is powerful and has the ability to crush anything in its way.

When Eren kicks a hole through the wall of his home, Mikasa, and Armin’s home – promptly cementing himself into their lives – he forces humanity to reconsider their tactics and finally go on the offensive.

The protagonist is not an antagonist; though his methods may be inhumane, his reasons become clearer and more understandable as the series progresses.

8. Reiner Braun

Reiner is the inheritor of the Armored Titan, a large, hardened-skinned Titan that acts like a tank. He is able to crash into any opponent with brute force, and can easily take down any foe.

In the Liberio zone, he was born to Marleyan and Eldian parents. He is a major antagonist and mirror protagonist of the series.

He graduated from the 104th Training Corps with distinction, proving himself a capable warrior.

This makes it all more shocking when it’s revealed that the three secret agents infiltrating Paradis Island and the military are all members of the same organization, known as the “Paradise Group.”

He’s a fascinating, unpredictable character that never stops surprising and impresses.

7. Krista Lenz / Historia Reiss

For the first season, Krista was a member of the Survey Corps, but she was left in the background most of the time.

The illegitimate and estranged queen of the walls, Historia Reiss, quickly became a main character and a lot of people’s favorite.

The young woman is meek and petite, but she’s also adorable. She starts out as a shy and introverted person, but she quickly becomes friendly and outgoing. She’s always looking for ways to make people feel comfortable and happy, no matter what.

The protagonist’s story is one of growth and self-assertion, needing to evolve into a leader with a strong will that can demand the confidence of her subject.

Krista had no idea what to expect from Historia, but she was completely drawn in by the story’s unique setting and the characters’ compelling personalities.

6. Jean Kirstein

Jean ranks 6th in the 104th Training Corps, during which he developed a rivalry with Eren. ..

He’s a loudmouth, boastful, and desired nothing more than a life of luxury as a member of the Military Police Brigade.

Eren Yeager joins the Survey Corps to fight for humanity’s future after losing friends and teammates.

He’s a charismatic character with no major skills, but he’s proven himself to be a valuable asset to the cause against Titans.

I really do love him.

5. Mikasa Ackerman

Eren and his family have followed Mikasa since she saved them from traffickers that butchered their family.

The two have maintained an intense connection throughout their adult years. ..

As a young girl, she was seen as a powerful and intimidating figure, warning off bullies in Armin and Eren’s stead.

She quickly became one of the most skilled and powerful members of the Survey Corps, able to use her quick thinking and reflexes to take down even the most dangerous opponents.

She was the first in her training corps to graduate. ..

Eren Yeager is a young man who has always been determined and strong. He has faced many challenges in his life, but nothing has been more difficult than the one he faced recently: the attempt on his life by a Titan. Despite being outnumbered and outmatched, Eren refused to back down and fought tooth and nail to survive. He is an example to all of us, and he will continue to be one in the future.

Her design is one of, if not my favorite in the franchise, with the unisex outfit of the Survey Corps perfectly complementing the special red scarf she wears wrapped around her neck. ..

4. Eren Yeager

Eren, a young boy, has sworn to wipe out the Titans at any cost. After witnessing the brutal devouring of his mother and destruction of his home, he vowed to do whatever it takes to protect humanity.

The intense hatred and bloodlust are both his greatest weapons and flaw, which is why he gets eaten rather quickly.

Luckily, he has the Attack Titan courtesy of his respected father.

This is a quintessential weapon for humanity in their fight against oppression.

Many fans initially found Eren annoying due to his temper and arrogance. However, he quickly adapts to his new role as protagonist and antagonist, proving himself to be a powerful asset to the series. ..

3. Erwin Smith

Erwin is the 13th Commander of the Survey Corps, a respected leader who is known for his strategic mind and willingness to die for the sake of humanity’s future. ..

He is a highly respected and well-loved member of his unit, and his leadership skills are unrivaled. His design and personality demand your attention, and you will be hard-pressed to ignore him when he’s on the battlefield. His blue eyes are piercing and his blonde cut is strong, which makes him an ideal leader.

He trusts in his teammates, but doesn’t let that disillusion him. Always aware of any spies or governmental issues that might threaten the integrity of their survival, he remains steadfast in his beliefs. ..

He’s a brave and risk-taking character that really embodies the attitude of the Survey Corps.

2. Levi Ackerman

Captain Levi is unquestionably the strongest human combatant there is. He has only Mikasa as a close second in proficiency.

He is a ruthless and powerful individual, who inspires fear in those who cross him.

Despite his small stature, the players on his team feel threatened by him. He is determined to protect the species, even if it means putting himself in danger. ..

Levi is a nihilistic, dark-skinned teenager with a short cut and young face who is popular for his dark and mysterious personality.

He’s a tough, determined man who is only able to keep people at bay due to his job as the captain of the Special Operations Squad. He has a strong resolve and is always willing to fight for what he believes in.

1. Armin Arlert

I absolutely love Armin in Attack on Titan. He is one of the most unique and interesting characters in the show, and I think he deserves more recognition than he currently receives.

Mikasa and Eren first meet the weak, timid boy when he’s being bullied as a child. They need to save him from the bullies and help him become stronger.

He becomes animatedly enthusiastic about the world, politics, society, and strategy while in their company. ..

Our team has learned a great deal about the fighter who has become one of the most important members of the 104th Training Corps.

In many cases, humanity would not be where it is today without the insights of those who have gone before.

He may not be the best fighter.

He is a powerful and compassionate warrior who has a great resolve to develop as a thinker.

When Bertolt claims the power of the Colossus Titan from the ancient god, he is given a form that matches his importance in the story.

Armin is a likable and relatable character that has flaws but always eager to fight. He’s my favorite because he’s always willing to put in the extra effort to make a difference.