Depression can be a real pain. In fact, sometimes it feels like we’re stuck in a perpetual darkness. ..

Which anime really explore depression and mental health in a way that is personal and relatable to viewers?

  1. Attack on Titan
  2. Death Note
  3. Naruto
  4. One Piece
  5. Sword Art Online

15. WataMote

WataMote is a social media app that helps people with social anxiety feel more connected to others. ..

It follows a teenage girl as she tries to fit in and make friends, get a boyfriend, and do typical teenage business.

This show is not as optimistic as most slice-of-life shows usually are. It’s more realistic and introspective, which can make it harder to take at first. But after a while, you’ll get used to the slower pace and the dark undertones.

WataMote is an uncomfortable watch, as it presents this awkward character grasping at strays realistically. Which is why I think it’s important to watch, even when it feels like a compilation.

14. Scum’s Wish

The show is titled “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.” This title already gives away the tone of the show, which is likely to be negative and critical. ..

It’s all about the ways we try to fill the void in our hearts. We search for love, but it seems to be unrequited. We try to find someone who will make us feel complete, but it seems they’re never there. We long for something that won’t be taken away, but we can’t seem to find it. It’s all about unrequited love and how we try to fill that void in our hearts.

After their loved ones both fall for others, the two main characters decide to be each other’s replacements. ..

The protagonist, a high school student, is in for a surprise when she is accused of a crime she did not commit.

This show is quite cathartic in that it provides a unique perspective on teenage love.

13. A Silent Voice

This movie tackles a lot of topics, including the power of love, the dangers of addiction, and the importance of family.

With the main male lead being ostracized for bullying a deaf girl, he’s left all alone, now being the target of similar bullying.

He’s hit hard by the news. He even contemplates ending it all. ..

He makes amends and finds a girl he belittled long ago.

We see the story of a person who is different, but keeps trying to fit in with everyone.

A Silent Voice is a masterpiece. It tackles a lot of topics, but I think it does them all justice. ..

12. Honey and Clover

Honey and Clover tackles a few key struggles that are common among young adults. These struggles can be difficult to navigate, but with the help of the show, viewers can learn how to deal with them. ..

The struggles of the people in this town are real and they’re not going to go away anytime soon.

We are all faced with difficulties, but some of them are more serious than others. Some might be minor, but they can still leave us feeling torn on the inside.

  1. The protagonist: A young woman who is struggling with her own personal issues.
  2. The love interest: A man who is trying to help her out, but also has his own problems.
  3. The friend/co-worker: A person who is there for the protagonist, but also has their own issues.
  4. The future success figure: Someone who is trying to help the protagonist achieve their goals, but also has their own doubts about whether or not they can actually make it happen.

Since the show is set at a college, it may be harder for viewers who are not already familiar with college life.

11. 3-gatsu no lion (March Comes In like a Lion)

But this show is anything but niche. It’s a unique and engaging look at the life of a shogi player in Tokyo.

The twist is that the young player, 17-year-old Shogi player, is one of the best in the world.

This man has a life where he doesn’t have any friends, doesn’t know how to take care of himself properly, and honestly doesn’t really know how to be happy.

The pressure of being the best has been a major issue for him for a while now. He’s been struggling to keep up with the competition and has had to take medication to deal with the stress.

It seems like the final stage of burnout has arrived for him. I can understand how he feels.

10. Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei

This series is different from the rest because it is about a young man who has to figure out how to survive in a world that is constantly changing.

The film is a comedy about a man who has to deal with the aftermath of a suicide.

The show is about a man who has a mental illness and the ways in which it affects his life.

The show does not make fun of people’s feelings, but it presents an easier path to talk about them and understand them.

This anime is full of characters that are struggling with their mental health. Some of the more common themes include self-harm, depression, and anxiety. In addition to the suicidal teacher, there are also characters who are struggling with substance abuse, eating disorders, and other issues. The takeaway messages from this anime should be applicable to any individual who is facing a mental health issue.

9. Aoi Bungaku Series

The series is a rather short one, but it contains 6 different stories that are set in their own universes. Each story is its own independent story, and it alludes to the others in some way.

The highly-rated Japanese literature that these adaptations are based off of is sure to provide high-quality storytelling. ..

The second story, The Outsiders, is a bit more unique. It talks about a group of kids who are the outcasts of their community. They are different from everyone else and they don’t fit in. The third story, The Outsiders 2: The Return, is a bit more about the kids who return to their community. This time they have found a new home and they are trying to make the best of it.

He had a lot of coping mechanisms.

The arc concludes with a deep understanding of the character, and you feel like you truly understand them.

The other five stories also touch on mental health and similar struggles, but No Longer Human is definitely the most powerful.

8. Neon Genesis Evangelion

In this series, we explore the dark side of philosophy. We look at its nihilistic, morbid thesis and how it can be used to justify bad actions.

This show is a depressing look at the lives of people who are struggling with depression. It features gory battles between the characters and is full of depressing themes.

There are a myriad of reasons why people may feel down or unhappy. ..

Evangelion has been mentioned a lot in the media.

After watching “The Lion King” for the hundredth time, I can say that there are no Disney happy endings here. The film is full of tragedy and heartbreak, and watching it makes me feel incredibly sad. ..

7. Casshern Sins

When faced with your own mortality, what would you do?

The world of Casshern Sins is a place where robots have taken over the Earth. The robots are intelligent and were initially immortal, until that stopped being the case.

As the robots prepare for their final days, each one tries to find a way to accept their impending death, or place their hope in an urban legend that claims immortality can be achieved by eating someone named Casshern.

The show is slow-paced and really puts into perspective the horror that comes with the beauty of living. Death itself is a pretty slow-paced show too. ..

6. The Tatami Galaxy

This show is lighter than some of the others on this list.

Every decision you make has a ripple effect on your life. ..

It’s like a journey where the protagonist picks different outcomes in order to find what makes him happy. Which he thinks would come from being popular and getting a girlfriend.

Depression can make it hard to see the good in life, and watching this show can help remind you that even the smallest choices have an impact. ..

5. Colorful

Negative feelings can lead to a person taking their own life, as they have no other way to cope with the intense pain. Without a support system, it can be difficult for someone to get through tough times. ..

The film is about a young man who has decided that life is no longer worth living and how he tries to understand why.

The boy’s life is complicated, and the impure soul tasked with figuring out his ‘biggest sin’ quickly realizes that the boy has a lot of them. The impure soul tries to understand the boy’s motivations and feelings, but it is difficult as the boy keeps changing and evolving.

Some people may find the movie disturbing because it portrays suicide so realistically. But I believe it is an excellent film, regardless. ..

4. Mushishi

I think it would be a good idea to add a lighter candidate here. The whole list can’t be miserable, right?

Mushishi is a series that tackles a wide range of topics. ..

The story follows a young man, who is trying to figure out what happened to his family and why they disappeared. He meets a spirit named mushi who tells him that his family was taken by the spirits and that he will never find them again.

To find the mushi, or spirit of the world.

The mushi is a mysterious creature that has been reported throughout history. Some say it is a spirit, others say it is a monster. But to help the people afflicted by this creature, but also get to the bottom of its very existence, I am writing this article.

The episode Mirror Lake in particular takes a crack at depression, if you only care for that theme. The show does a good job of exploring different aspects of depression, but it can be difficult to stay on track when the focus is on one specific issue. This episode does an excellent job of exploring different aspects of depression and how it can impact people’s lives.

3. Your Lie in April

We’re back to the main point of this story.

Your Lie in April is a heart-wrenching story of two musicians who are trying to make a fresh start. Each story is full of pain and heartache, but they are also full of hope and determination. Their fight is one against the darkness, but it is also one against themselves.

The two people seem to be good at balancing each other out.

The protagonist doesn’t want to get into what’s troubling them, but they do want to keep things spoiler-free. They say that their crush didn’t like them as much as they thought they would.

The people in this story are real, and their issues are weighty enough that they could easily break most people.

2. Rainbow

Rainbow is a powerful and sad story about a life that was taken too soon. A life that was abused by someone with power, and a life that is so important in today’s society.

The inmates in this story are seven people who have been tortured by the guards at the hands of the prison. They go through a lot of pain and suffering, and it is clear that they do not deserve it.

The detainees are being held in a dark, damp cell with no windows and no way to escape. They are constantly cold and wet, and their food is often inedible.

The show explores the aftermath of trauma and how one can come back to a normal life. ..

How do you combat power as part of a discriminated group?

It’s been a long time since the sun has shone, and the sky has been clear. But now, it’s getting dark. The stars are out, and the moon is shining. It’s a beautiful night, but it’s also a very sad one.

1. Welcome to the N.H.K.

For anime fans, this show may be one of the first things that comes to mind when thinking about depression. ..

A NEET (not in education, employment, or training) man named Takashi is trying to find a way to get his life back on track. He’s been living alone and avoiding social interaction for years, but he’s starting to feel like he’s losing control of his life. ..

The journey from A to B can be difficult, especially if you’re not used to it. ..

He keeps falling over and over. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t always give you a hand just because your intentions are good. ..

This series investigates mental health in a variety of ways, including ambition, paranoia, love, peer pressure, loneliness, and more.

Depression is a common theme in many of the anime on this list, and it’s no wonder that it’s such a central part of the story. In Welcome to the N.H.K., a young man named Naoki is diagnosed with depression after watching an anime that made him suicidal. The story follows Naoki as he struggles to find his way through his depression and find hope for the future.