Rogue decks, such as Mill, are one of the more unusual types of decks in Yu-Gi-Oh. ..

The goal of the game with this strategy is to remove all of your opponent’s cards so that they lose by decking out.

This strategy is done by either drawing a lot of cards or sending cards from your deck to the graveyard until you have nothing left. The great thing about this strategy is that it literally doesn’t matter what deck your opponent is playing:

The key to winning any game is keeping your opponent engaged. ..

  1. The Monarchs’ Throne
  2. The Hierophant’s Call
  3. The Book of Moon
  4. The Star-Eater’s Feast
  5. The Dark Illusion

15. Gift of Greed

This card is only good in mill decks.

This jar of _____ is a great way to add flavor to your food.

Your opponent draws two cards. ..

This card can be used to get your opponent to draw more cards and closer to decking out, but it comes with the disadvantage that it’s a trap card. You’ll have to set it before you can play it.

Gift of Greed is a great mill option because it can slow the game down to a halt when it needs to. ..

14. Iron Chain Dragon

Iron Chain is a card that is often used as a way to control the game. It can be used to block or to gain an advantage in the battle.

The Iron Chain card is a powerful card that can help your team survive in the late game. It can provide some protection for your team, as well as giving them some extra resources to use in the next turn.

The Level 6 Synchro monster, Millstone, is a powerful card that can easily mill your opponent for 3 cards every time it does battle damage. With its 2500 attack, Millstone will be a difficult opponent to beat. ..

This card is great because you can reuse it every turn. You could also combo this card with Double Attack to get, well, double the value!

Iron Chain Dragon is a great synchro monster because it doesn’t have to take up space in your deck. This makes it easier to get the cards you need, which is important in any game.

When milling your opponent, it is important to have as many of your cards milling them. ..

13. Voltic Bicorn

The silver border on the video game controller makes it nearly impossible to play. ..

This card allows you to mill your opponent for 7 cards when it’s destroyed.

Voltic Bicorn is a great card to use in order to take out your opponent’s big boss monsters. You’ll take some damage, but it’s worth it in the end because you’ll be able to destroy them.

The players will be losing seven cards. ..

You need to use a revival trap like Call of the Haunted to mill your opponent for 14 cards.

If you have a mill deck that can accommodate a couple of tuners, then this card is an absolute must. ..

12. Morphing Jar #2

This demon in a bottle is the baby brother to Morphing Jar. He’s powerful and can pack a punch in a mill deck.

When he’s attacked or flipped up, it creates an environment in which all monsters are less likely to attack. ..

Each player then mills until they reveal the same number of monsters they lost, and special summons all of the level 4 or lower monsters that match their card’s color. ..

Spell/trap decks are often very reliant on card draw, and if your opponent can’t find any of their cards, they’re likely going to lose the game. If you can play Spellbooks or Dark Magicians against them, you may be able to win the game without taking too much damage.

If you want to win the game quickly and easily, combine Inferno Tempest with a powerful card like Kozilek’s Return.

If you can pull this off, you’ll win the duel outright. ..

11. Dragged Down into the Grave

The new Yu-Gi-Oh card, “The Diplomat,” has caused quite a stir in the Dueling community. This card is unique in that it can be used to negotiate with your opponents, potentially leading to a more peaceful Duel. ..

Dragged Down into the Grave lets you and your opponent see each other’s hands, pick a card you don’t like, and force them to replace it.

  1. It’s a great way to show off your work
  2. It’s a great way to get feedback from others

This spell allows you to cycle through your opponent’s deck faster, and also eliminates any potential threats.

This way, you can keep your milling strategy running smoothly and uninterrupted.

If you’re looking to get rid of big boss monsters or cards that destroy spells/traps, then you’ll want to keep your spells and traps safe.

Make sure you don’t have anything too good in hand if you want to avoid your opponent nipping that in the bud. ..

10. Chainsaw Insect

Chainsaw Insect is a 2400 ATK monster that you can summon for free. Its effect is meant to make up for the fact that it’s a weaker card than most of your other monsters. ..

This is the popular card game that many people enjoy.

The bad effects of a decision can be exploited by thinking about the possible consequences and coming up with a plan to mitigate them.

Chainsaw insect is a big monster that helps us to mill our opponent. ..

With an attack stat that rivals that of the great Monarchs, any mill deck would be incomplete without this helpful critter.

9. Level Modulation

When played, this card allows the player to draw two cards.

You can Special Summon an LV Monster from your Graveyard if you let your opponent draw 2 cards. ..

The large, green LV monster can’t attack or use its effects, but that still provides a great defense while you’re busy shredding your opponent’s deck! ..

In the worst-case scenario, you can’t get an Armed Dragon LV 10 from your graveyard. You’re stuck behind a 3000 attack wall, and that’s not so much a good thing.

8. Necroface

I’m not sure I should use this card. It makes me feel uneasy. ..

The doll head is creepy, and it has tentacles coming out of it. ..

When Ol’ Cthulhu Head (Necroface) is banished, each player discards the top 5 cards of their deck. ..

The great thing about this effect is that banished cards are harder to retrieve than graveyard cards. So the cards you do get rid of are practically gone for good. ..

Combining Necroface and Gold Sarcophagus will instantly banish Necroface from the deck, meaning you don’t even have to wait for it to show up in your hand.

7. Gravekeeper’s Servant

This is a process of milling a material by hand.

Your opponent has been whittling away at your deck, leaving you with nothing to defend yourself. Now it’s their turn to lend a hand. ..

The continuous spell card forces them to send the top card of their deck to the graveyard every time they declare an attack. ..

Your opponent will be forced to put themselves closer and closer to the edge of their life points every time they try to take out your life points with Gravekeeper’s Servant.

With Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, you can take an opponent’s card and put it on top of their deck, messing with their strategy. ..

Do they attack and lose the monster, or hold back and leave your life points intact?

6. Needle Worm

The mill deck is a deck that focuses on taking advantage of the card mill effect. This effect allows you to take cards from your opponent’s hand, as well as from their library.

If you’re looking to build a mill deck, look no further than Needle Worm. This card can easily turn the tide in a game, and can be used to quickly deck out your opponent.

When your opponent flips up their card deck, you can discard any number of cards, up to five. ..

This card is great for milling your deck and helping you to get more cards out of your library.

Removing resources from your opponent is always going to give you an advantage. So Needle Worm is great in pretty much any deck you like.

Needle Worm is a great card against pendulum decks.

Pendulum monsters typically go to the Extra Deck when destroyed, so very few pendulum decks will run revival spells like Monster Reborn. ..

Needle Worm is a common term for monsters that are useless. This can be true for any monster, but especially for monsters that are weak against certain attacks.

5. Kuraz the Light Monarch

They are the best players in the world.

Kuraz the Light Monarch is a powerful monster that has incredible effects. He can easily crush any opponent with his powerful attacks, and his ability to shoot light makes him an ideal candidate for using in dark strategies.

Kuraz destroys your opponent’s monsters, helping to deck them out at the same time. This is great for removing those big monsters you just can’t get over, leaving you safe to mill another turn. ..

If you have some cards in your hand that you don’t want to use, Kuraz can be used as a way to get around this. You can pop cards on your side of the field and use his effect to replace your own bad cards.

The only downside to summoning Kuraz is that he can’t attack on the turn he’s summoned. But as a 2400 attack monster, Kuraz provides some fantastic defense until the next turn.

4. One Day of Peace

The card is a powerful card that can easily deal with large creatures.

If you’re looking for a deck that can’t be beat, you should try One Day of Peace.

This card is amazing because it lets you get closer to your more powerful mill cards and it mills your opponent for 1 card, and it protects you from damage for an entire turn.

This card has little value and would be worth nothing if it had any more. ..

One Day of Peace is a must-run event for all journalists.

3. Card Destruction

The card destruction rule was put into place for a reason. It’s been proven to be a major issue in the game, and it’s something that we as developers are constantly working to improve.

The article discusses how the game has been banned in 2018 and how it has had a negative impact on many battlefields.

This card mill is a great way to get your opponent’s entire hand, as well as refill your own stock. ..

The best time to use Card Destruction is when your opponent is drawing cards, such as with Gift of Greed.

The bigger their hand is, the more damage this card will cause. ..

This card could be game-winning if used correctly.

Before playing this card, make sure you have the best cards. I’ve had a lot of trouble discarding my power pieces with this card. ..

2. Inferno Tempest

Inferno Tempest is a spell that can be difficult to cast, but also rewards players for their efforts.

If your opponent can deal 3000 damage in one single attack, they will lose all of their monsters and any cards in their deck and graveyard.

After a devastating loss, decks are likely to be unusable. ..

A lot of decks can achieve 3000 damage, which is a lot.

The most iconic Yu-Gi-Oh! card has 3000 attack. And Rank 10 Train decks can easily get up to 5000+ attack.

With D.D. Dynamite, you can easily deal 300 damage to your opponent for every card banished! ..

Just be careful that you don’t lose your monsters here, as you’ll also lose the rewards they provide.

1. Morphing Jar

This is a question that has been asked by many players and mill card enthusiasts since the release of milling cards in the early 2000s. Some of the most popular milling cards include Theros, Ravnica, and Kamigawa. Each set has its own unique set of cards that can be used to mill for various effects.

Morphing Jar has been on the banned list for most of its life, and is definitely one of the scariest cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! It has a surprisingly long list of banned cards. ..

The popular game Well Morphing Jar is now available once again at one copy. The game has been updated with new features and is more challenging than ever. ..

The broken thing about Morphing Jar is that if used correctly, it can mill your opponent for 5 and draw 5 cards for free!

You can set this card while you have an empty hand to get a big advantage in the game.

This means that you will probably draw into some of the other powerful mill cards on this list, and your opponent will have a fraction of their deck left once your turn is over. ..

For a vicious level of hand control, follow up Morphing Jar with Crush Card Virus or Eradicator Epidemic Virus to make sure your opponent is left with nothing while you just keep on milling.