Some former top-tier shows in the community can feel a little stale after a few years.

The animation on “Rick and Morty” looks terrible by today’s standards, and the show has turned sour because of its conclusion. This trend is often seen in shows with high-quality animation, such as “Rick and Morty.”

Some of the series that viewers may find less enjoyable after a second or third watch are listed below. ..

15. Akame ga Kill

However, after a while, I started to feel that the show was becoming too dark and violent. It wasn’t anymore exciting or engaging.

After rewatching the series, my opinion has changed dramatically. ..

The Game of Thrones-style violence in the new season of “Game of Thrones” has shocked fans. ..

When you compare Attack on Titan to something like Naruto, it just feels like an anime made for cheap thrills.

The modern teenager might have to find a different show to get that fix if they’re looking for something to keep them entertained.

14. The Promised Neverland

There have been a lot of questions surrounding the ending of “The Walking Dead” series finale. Some viewers are upset with how it ended, while others are just confused. Many people are wondering what happened to Rick Grimes and where his character went from here. The show’s creator, Robert Kirkman, has already hinted that there might be a spin-off series focusing on the character’s post-apocalyptic world. So far, there is no word on when or if this spin-off will happen, but fans are definitely keeping their eyes peeled. ..

Now, after two years of being in the works, Promised Neverland is finally available to the public. Critics and fans alike are praising the film for its unique and innovative story line, as well as its stunning visuals.

The second season of “Game of Thrones” was a disaster, and many people are not interested in watching it anymore.

The finale of the first season of “Stranger Things” has forever tainted the franchise – and the story that it tried to tell.

13. Fullmetal Alchemist (2006)

Fullmetal Alchemist has a problem where the protagonist is not the only one who can transmute metals. ..

The second FMA iteration, called Brotherhood, was simply too good to pass up.

Both versions of Fullmetal Alchemist were set in the same universe, though the source material had not been finished when the original Fullmetal Alchemist was being broadcast. ..

This book is not as good as the first one. In the second half, some of the characters we loved in Brotherhood are not introduced and the quality of the writing drops off quite a bit.

The original still has a unique charm as it is a bit darker than Brotherhood, but it pales in comparison as a whole.

12. Lucky Star

Since its debut, Lucky Star has been a hit with audiences all over the world. The show has pulled in references to popular culture and jokes that make it feel like a personal conversation with the show’s creators.

Many fans of “The Office” will likely find that the show is not as funny or clever as it once was for those under the age of 18. ..

Lucky Star is a time capsule to the 2000s that you can watch across multiple time periods.

11. Mysterious Girlfriend X

I’ve had a change of heart about this show. I used to love it, but now I can’t watch it the same way because of the lockdown. ..

The story follows the unlikely romance between a dandere male lead and an unorthodox female lead. Despite their differences, the two eventually fall in love and are able to overcome any obstacles that come their way. ..

The dude tastes her spit and it’s kind of weird back in the day. Possibly a death wish by today’s standards.

The girl has a pair of scissors in her underwear, which makes her an interesting target for robbers.

She’s been begging for something to get into her body, and now she’s just waiting for the next outbreak.

10. Naruto

But, as much as I love the scenes in Naruto, there are some scenes in the series that are just as amazing and deserve to be remembered. These scenes are the ones where Naruto and his friends team up with other characters to take on an enemy or save someone from a dangerous situation.

The film follows a group of people as they try to make sense of their lives as they move through a difficult period.

This show largely retconned anything and everything in it, which has led to some confusion and inconsistency.

Remember when Kakashi had to do like 50 hand signs in order to summon one stupid water dragon that burst like a bubble on impact?

When Sakura was credited as having the best chakra control, many people believed her.

When Naruto told Neji that it doesn’t matter who you were and that destiny wasn’t a thing, Neji was taken aback. He had always thought that destiny was something that people talked about in stories, something that people dreamed of. Naruto’s words made sense to him now, and they made him feel more at ease.

There are so many retcons in “The Office” that it’s hard to keep track of them all. Here are a few examples:

  1. The show began with the Dunder Mifflin paper company being founded, but then the company was bought by Scranton Paper Company.
  2. Dwight Schrute was originally a sales representative for Dunder Mifflin, but he quit after being promoted to manager.
  3. Jim Halpert was originally a janitor at Dunder Mifflin, but he quit after becoming head of office.
  4. Pam Beesly was originally a receptionist at Dunder Mifflin, but she quit after getting married and having children.
  5. Michael Scott was originally a sales representative for Scranton Paper Company, but he quit after getting fired from his job at the company.

9. Monster

I am sad to place this masterpiece on a list such as this, but I think it belongs here. ..

The show was not bad because it was poorly made, but because most people today would never finish it.

The show is great, but it can be a bit slow to get started. Certain parts of the story are just small snippets that barely interacted with each other.

This slow burn & meticulous design of Monster simply doesn’t work nearly as well as it once did.

8. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

  1. The first reason is that the game has been updated so much since then.
  2. The second reason is that the series has been diluted by its own popularity.

Second, the showrunners seem to be trying to do too much with too little time. Third, there are so many plot devices and subplots that it’s hard to keep up.

This show is set in high school, and every other show has a god or god-like figure as a character.

The second season of “Game of Thrones” was a disappointment for many fans. Many felt that the show went too far in its violence and gore. This made it difficult to forgive the show for its war crimes. ..

The Endless Eight arc is a long and drawn-out anime series that is full of action, adventure, and suspense. I think that there’s too much good anime for one to waste time on watching eight nearly identical episodes.

7. Golden Boy

This show was amazing for its time because it was a late 90s anime that had a lot of crazy good content.

Today is a difficult day.

The animation is quite an eyesore and the audio mixing leaves much to be desired.

The show’s themes have been harder to swallow in recent years, as the economy has been struggling.

Many people feel like they don’t understand computers or that their colleagues are out to get them from the start. ..

This is just the beginning of a new season of TV that we’ll be watching for years to come.

Since the beginning of this year, there has been a significant increase in the number of women who are revealing their nipples in public. This is good news, as it seems to be making people more aware of the fact that female nipples are just as beautiful and sexy as any other body part.

6. Darling in the Franxx

This show feels ancient to me, despite being a relatively modern show.

The mech anime industry has been on a decline for the past few years, with many fans citing the saturation of anime with mechs as the main reason. However, this decline may be starting to reverse, as a new mech anime is starting to gain popularity.

The Franxx series is a convoluted, forced story that feels like it was made in the 2010s. From galactic battles to a story so convoluted and forced that you really have to question the studio’s intentions, Darling in the Franxx just feels like a poor man’s Gurren Lagann that had no business being made in the late 2010s.

The show’s exploration of its characters was a major strength, but it lost focus when it started to get messy. ..

5. Future Diary

The original Future Diary was a popular anime that suffered from its own success. The show solidified many tropes that it’s difficult to actually watch it anymore. ..

Yuno is one of the most common yandere archetypes in today’s media. She has a tragic past that makes her seem like a victim. Despite this, Yuno feels like another drop in the bucket.

There is a growing trend of male protagonists who are crybabies. This is seen as a negative portrayal of men, and it’s not something that should be taken lightly. ..

In a recent battle royal game, players are put into a competition to be the first to reach the finish line. This type of game is often played as part of social events or as a form of entertainment.

After rewatching the show, I feel like it’s just a trope game. ..

4. Berserk

It feels like the gods have decided that Berserk’s story will never be fully adapted. ..

With newer versions being a clunky CGI mess, one can only look towards the 1997 version with the hope of catching up on the lore.

Despite the impressive source material, a 20-year gap is hard to overlook. ..

The fights in the manga look much more beautiful and daunting in their illustrations than they do in the anime adaptation. ..

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a new game in the PC gaming world, and with that comes the potential for a lot of different reactions. Some people might be excited to see a new game come to the platform, while others might be worried about how it would be received. In any case, it would be an interesting ride to guess how PC culture would react if the series did ever get an adequate adaptation.

3. Love Hina

This show is not for the faint of heart.

However, this anime has a lot of potential, and could be really good if it were made better.

This show feels like a museum of harem tropes.

The article is full of clichés and tropes.

The characters are not likable and the episodes feel like filler because nothing ever happens.

2. Dragon Ball Z

You cannot argue that the original Dragon Ball Z does not look outdated when compared to modern action anime. ..

But there are other, more popular anime that deserve to be remembered as well.

The original “Star Wars” trilogy is now considered a classic, but it has been criticized for its dated effects and storylines. ..

The fights in this movie were often too fast-paced and certain frames were constantly reused to save time.

The long wait was a major annoyance. ..

The series had almost 300 episodes, but that still paled in comparison to most modern series with a tenth of its length.

1. Sword Art Online

I know I sound like a broken record, but I can’t help but feel that everything in this show has become so mainstream that I can’t even watch the original anymore.

There’s something about these shows that just makes me want to watch them. The overpowered MCs and interesting Isekai shows are both necessary ingredients in a good recipe.

Sword Art Online is a terrible anime that is not worth your time. ..

I really don’t like the original Kirito. He’s always making me feel uncomfortable and I can’t stand his attitude.

The SAO abridged series is ten times better than the original. It’s concise, to the point, and provides a more in-depth understanding of the story.