Pokémon GO has introduced a new way to make some old popular Pokémon more competitive while also giving unpopular Pokémon a new lease on life. Just look at Alolan Raichu, which was made more competitive with its new moveset, and Galarian Corsola, which received a new design to make it more visually appealing. ..

I think there are still plenty of Pokémon that should get this regional treatment. I think they deserve a better chance to succeed in the international market, and I believe that they would do well in a region-specific format.

12. Growlithe/Arcanine

Alola gave us two new Pokémon - Alolan Vulpix/Ninetales and the Alolan Espeon.

Rapidash was a Galarian ponyta/rapidash that Galar gave to us.

It is now time to give both Growlithe and Arcanine the same treatment. ..

Arcanine is a legendary Pokémon that is based off of various different kinds of dogs.

The one who fought against a sea dragon similar to Gyarados decided to make a weapon that could take out the dragon.

Rock/Fairy types are a great way to make regional Growlithe/Arcanine a strong contender against Gyarados. They can both hold their own against each other, and be equally as powerful in battle. ..

This could be a great addition to the game if regional Arcanine looked more like the statues it was based on.

11. Girafarig

Girfarig is a cool Pokémon with one of the coolest design gimmicks - it has a second head on the back of its tail. ..

How would Girafarig work if the roles were reversed and I was the one in charge?

I would make a Normal/Dark type Girafarig and completely switch around its stats. This would make it much more defensive with an immunity to psychic and ghost type attacks.

The unique defensive Pokémon, Counter, Mirror Coat, and other moves give it great status and reactionary power. ..

10. Stantler

Stantler’s entry in the Pokedex is not a Psychic type. ..

I have always thought that the Normal type was strange. ..

Staring at Stantler’s antlers can cause people to lose control of their senses and be unable to stand, so let’s lean into that. ..

This new ability would make it so that when a Pokemon is sent out, it would automatically become confused and unable to attack or use its moves. This would make it much easier for trainers to control their Pokemon and help them win games.

That may be broken, but it seems completely appropriate for all of Stantler’s “dex entries.”

When it comes to appearance, I would make the Pokémon look more like an animal. This way, they will stand out from the crowd and be more interesting to look at.

9. Castform

Castform is a Pokémon that has an interesting gimmick - it can change its shape to match the weather conditions. ..

The forecast ability makes the app change its form and type in rain, sun, and hail. While I was lamenting that there wasn’t a sandstorm form, I thought about how the different terrains were essentially the same thing.

I was surprised when I saw a Castform in the wild. It was a beautiful, if unusual, creature.

This could be awesome and create a variety of cool forms for regional Castform. ..

The new Pokémon game, Pokémon Sun and Moon, will now allow players to choose between Psychic, Fairy, Electric, and Grass types. This will add a lot of variety to the game and make it more fun. ..

I’m not sure how competitively viable a regional Castform would be, but I find the idea incredibly interesting. ..

8. Lanturn

There’s something truly terrifying about the angler fish. These creatures are able to lure in prey with their powerful and deadly fishing techniques, and once they have a victim in their grasp, they will not let go. These fish are some of the most feared and mysterious creatures in the ocean, and their ability to creep people out makes them a perfect example of why nature is so amazing. ..

Lanturn is not scary at all. In fact, it’s one of the most adorable Pokémon ever created. So why not add it to your collection?

Chinchou can only be evolved into this regional version by diving underwater.

Dive isn’t really a thing anymore, but I felt like being creative and difficult. Also, the new typing would be Dark/Electric, representing how dark the waters are where angler fish live.

The final product is a giant, powerful creature that has the Strong Jaw ability.

This means that you can get the attack combination Crunch and Thunder Fang. Add on Nuzzle and you have a Pokémon that is all about trapping and eating its prey.

7. Swalot

Do you remember the terrorist who killed four people and injured dozens more in a rampage through a French city last year? I don’t.

I saw the new restaurant and I liked it!

Falstaff’s moustache and roundness give him an air of gluttony and pompousness, which is a perfect fit for the character. Why not lean into that? ..

Falstaff is a very close friend of alcohol. He often drinks with his friends and enjoys its effects. He is also very careful with it, knowing that too much can have negative consequences.

And since he’s a knight, give him some extra attack and defense bonuses for his region.

For the appearance of a dog, just close its eyes and put a big ruff around its neck.

I like regional variants because they’re silly. ..

Alolan Dugtrio and Exeggutor are two of the most unique Pokémon in the game. Alolan Dugtrio is a Dugtrio that has been evolved from an Exeggutor. Exeggutor is a Pokémon that has been evolved from an Egg.

6. Parasect

Parasect is not that great. The only thing it has going for it is the move Spore.

Parasect is one of the creepiest Pokémon in the series. The mushrooms on Paras’ body fully take over, and now Parasect is essentially a zombie. This means that Parasect is very dangerous and can easily kill you if you don’t watch out! ..

The bug/grass typing is causing a lot of problems for many people. It’s not very helpful to have to remember two different types of bugs and grasses. This change will make it easier for people to remember what type of bug or grass is causing the problem.

This Pokémon has a powerful STAB attack that can easily take down any other Pokémon. Additionally, its Spore ability can help it survive long periods of combat.

I really appreciate how cool Parasect look.

A completely white Pokémon with dark purple eyes and a cracked mushroom dome would just be awesome! ..

5. Primeape

Pokémon Yellow has always been a great game, especially for Primeape players. ..

In the first generation, there were many Fighting-type Pokémon. Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Machoke were all very powerful. However, Primeape was more powerful than any of these Pokémon.

We need to find a way to fix this.

I wanted to create a character that was unique and interesting, one that would stand out from the others. I thought about how Primeape could be an Electric/Fighting type, and then I came up with the idea of breaking chains dragging on the ground.

Primeape is a unique typing that emphasizes its attack and speed. ..

Make Primeape a fearsome physical sweeper that can sweep away obstacles and enemies.

Not only does Primeape have spiky fur, but it also looks like a spark. If you make it yellow, it will look like a saiyan.

Dragon Ball Z is one of the most popular anime series of all time. It has spawned a number of spin-off series and movies, and continues to be popular even after more than 20 years. The series is known for its action, humor, and over-the-top characters. ..

4. Gothita

In a recent poll on Reddit, Gothita was one of the least popular Pokémon. ..

That’s not fair.

Gothitelle is a great Pokémon, but I think there’s a way to make it more memorable. ..

Gothita is a doll inspired by the lolita style of dressing, giving it a Victorian era feel. Let’s lean into that by making Gothita a creepy doll like Annabelle.

Gothita has a Psychic and Ghost typing, which makes it a better defensive type. This makes it effective against attacks that rely on hitting with moves that deal damage to the user, such as Shadow Tag.

Pokémon GO is a game that allows players to explore the world around them in search of Pokémon. Some of the most popular Pokémon in the game are the Gyarados, which can be found in the water, and Dragonite, which can be found on land. Players can catch these Pokémon by using Poké Balls, but some are more difficult to catch than others. One of the more difficult Pokémon to catch is the Dragonite. This Pokémon can be found in areas that are not as easily accessible as other ones, such as in dark caves or on high cliffs.

Gothita, a young woman who disappeared more than a year ago, has finally been found. This change would make her instantly memorable to many people.

3. Vibrava/Flygon

There’s something about the graceful flying abilities of Flygon that just makes it one of my favorite dragon types. Not only can it fly quickly and easily, but its attacks are also very powerful. ..

The desert spirit, Flygon, is an awesome dragonfly. It’s one of the few Pokemon that I actually want to ride.

Garchomp is easily outclassed by the more powerful Pokémon, such as Machamp and Dragonite.

I think I can make Flygon more viable by giving it the ability to fly.

I would like to explore the dragonfly look more and make a regional Flygon type that is a dragon/bug. ..

This bug gives it a unique typing, making it stand out from the other bugs and dragons. I would keep the Levitate ability and keep the same learn sets, but maybe add more emphasis on speed and special attack.

The new Pokémon game, Pokémon Sun and Moon, introduces a new type of Pokémon called the Alolan Forme. These Pokémon are based on different islands in the world, and have different abilities and moves. One of these new Alolan Forme is Flygon, which can take advantage of Draco Meteor and Bug Buzz, two of the most powerful moves for its type. Combine this with Flamethrower and Earth Power, and you have a fast special sweeper with no opponent resistances. ..

I want Flygon to be the most popular Pokémon in the world. This is the best way to do it.

2. Sunflora

Sunkern is one of the weakest Pokémon in the entire series. It doesn’t get the benefit of evolving into something powerful.

Sunflora is a Pokémon that needs some help to stand out from the rest. It’s easily the worst fully evolved Pokémon and it needs something to make it stand out from the rest.

There are many potential sun-related names for the new planet, but one that stands out is “Sol.” After all, it’s the star at the center of our solar system. ..

Grass and Fire type. This would give our hypothetical regional Sunflora fewer weaknesses than the original.

Sun and Moon introduce a brand new typing, called “Solrock.” Solrock is a rock-type Pokémon that is based on the sun. Why not make more use of the sun’s theme in your games? ..

A new update for Sunflora has been released that includes a new ability called Drought. This ability will automatically summon sunny weather in the region it is used in, helping to alleviate the drought conditions that many plants are experiencing. ..

Special Attack and Special Defense are both important stats in a Pokémon, but Sunflora has a unique ability that could make it a powerful support Pokémon. By swapping its special attack stat with its special defense stat, Sunflora could become much more resistant to enemy attacks. This would make it an ideal choice for players who want to build a team around supporting allies. ..

1. Jynx

Jynx is a Pokémon that has been controversial for years. Some people love her because she is unique and different, while others find her to be annoying and unappetizing. Regardless of what people think of her, she is still one of the most popular Pokémon in the world.

Pokémon Company has been avoiding Jynx because of its high damage output.

I think Jynx is the Pokémon most deserving of a regional variant because it is the most versatile.

Jynx already resembles an opera singer, right? So give her a steel typing! Make her a big, burly opera singer with braids and a Viking helmet.

She had a spear.

The special attacker is the one who does the most damage. Put the emphasis on physical attack to make sure that your opponent is at a disadvantage.

Pokémon from the first generation of Pokémon were preserved and continue to be used today. I think Jynx deserves the same recognition.

This is especially true in the world of politics. Even after a major political event has taken place, there is always the potential for further surprises or developments. ..

With this variant idea for Jynx, I’d say our list is over. ..

  1. The nominees for the 2017 Academy Awards were announced on Thursday, February 22.
  2. The Oscars will be held on Sunday, March 4th at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood.
  3. The nominees for the 2017 Golden Globe Awards were announced on Monday, January 7th.
  4. The Golden Globes will be held on Sunday, January 14th at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California. ..

Onix (rock/fairy, diamond form) Lickitung (normal/poison) Goldeen (water/steel, lean into gold) Sentret/Furret (every first route rodent needs a regional variant) Sudowoodo (rock/grass, pine tree?) Dunsparce Teddiursa/Ursaring (based on star design) Slugma/Magcargo Spoink/Grumpig Luxray (electric/dark, electric/ground) Swanna (dark, black swan) Avalugg (ice/fire)